What are the best ad networks for Small bloggers and publishers in 2020?

When you have launched your blog & your traffic is growing, it’s time to start thinking about how to monetize your blog.

Display ads are one of the most common monetization methods–even for new bloggers. But how do you know which display ad networks are the best?

Depending on how much traffic your blog attracts, you should choose a display ad network accordingly. Not all networks work the same, let alone yield the same blog income.

Therefore, to help you save time and make more money, I’ll reveal 10 top display ad networks you can start using right now to increase your blog revenue today.

And don’t worry if you are just getting started with blogging. Even though your ad income is small in the beginning, using display ads means 100% passive income – even while you’re asleep.

Also, I have only listed ad networks that are easy to set up. So, if you’re new to blogging, you are in the right place!

Let’s get started!

How does display advertising work?
In short, here’s how advertising works: you create content for your blog and you sell advertising space to the network of your choice. That network, in turn, has partners that want to target specific niche blogs that match their products or services.

Thus, ad networks do most of the heavy lifting for you. You simply need to choose a network and they’ll match you with the highest bidding advertisers. You can also control the number of ad units on each page or in each article.

But how do you make money with advertising networks exactly? Let’s take a look…

How do you make money from display ads?
Once you’re all set up with your ad network, it’s time to start making money. Whenever your visitors see or click an ad on your blog, you’ll earn money.

That said, most ad networks for bloggers pay you in two different ways:
