Sandworm agents, tied to Russia´s GRU military intelligence arm, wreaked havoc on the 2016 U.S.

presidential election, stealing and exposing Democratic National Committee emails and breaking into voter registration databases.

If you’re shopping for a phone, Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Pixel lineup receive the most consistent and timely updates. Outside of Google’s own phones, Samsung has a good track record for consistent updates to its Android phones, whereas Motorola has dropped the ball over the last couple of years. 

They add value to a person’s life. New phones, laptops, smart speakers and other electronic devices can make a great present, since these devices are a means to work, play, communicate with friends or, with a gadget like a Kindle or game console, temporarily escape.

Privacy and security: There is truly no doubt on privacy and security as your hosting is not share with others. Total resources are in your control and nobody is getting chance to penetrate through that. Everything is private and even, your IP address is fixed and unshared.

In managed VPS hosting webmaster is no need to worry about maintaining servers like software installation or any other application installation, service provider is responsible is for all the maintenance and services. But in the case of unmanned virtual private server hosting the service provider is only responsible for tech support but the hosting and maintains of the website and server’s responsibility comes in the account of the webmaster. If you are tech savvy and know about maintains of server you can choose unmanaged dedicated virtual private server hosting and save your dollars. There are two types of virtual private server available managed and unmanaged VPS. It is most suitable for to those webmaster’s they don’t have time to manage a server or if they are not tech savvy.

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It’s the unintended — and unexpected — consequences of technology and the data it collects that often come back to bite us (pardon the pun).”

“It’s great to get an alert your dog left the yard, but those devices could also send data to Amazon like the frequency, duration, destination and path of your dog walks,” Pollard said. “That seems innocuous enough, but what could that data mean for you when combined with other data?