Different Counter Drone Systems utilize a variety of techniques for drone detection, tracking / identification and drone interception / drone jamming. This page describes the main drone detection and defense methods employed by Anti-Drone CUAS System currently available at Dynamite Global Strategies, Inc.

1.1 Detection and Tracking Systems

Radar: Detects the presence of small- or micro-unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAV) by their radar signature, which is generated when the unmanned aircraft encounters radio frequency (RF) pulses emitted by the detection components of the radar. These radars employ AI learning algorithms to distinguish between drones and other small, low-flying objects, such as birds.

Radio Frequency (RF) Detection: RF Drone Detection Radar Identifies the presence of drones by scanning and detecting the RF frequencies on which commercially available drones are known to operate. Algorithms then identify and geo-locate RF-emitting devices in the area that are most likely to be drones. RF-108 RF Based Drone Detection Radar

Electro-Optical (EO): The Electro-Optical (EO) system is used to detect and identify drones based on target drones’ visual signature. The Electron-Optical (EO) system equipped with highly sophisticated modular electro-optical components, which support day and night observation for detection, identification, classification of targets.

Infrared (IR) and Thermal Imaging: The Infrared (IR) and Thermal Imaging Cameras are used to detect drones based on their heat signature. With DroneMaster Anti UAV System thermal imaging technology, and object, hot or cold will be detected by the 360° IR and thermal sensors, day and night.

Acoustic Sensors: Acoustic Sensors are used to detect drones by recognizing the unique sounds produced by incoming drones’ motors. The acoustic sensors with advanced detection algorithm offered by Urban Dynamite Counter-Drone Technology are capable of sensing drones even if they are invisible to radars or lack radio-frequency (RF) links.

Combined Sensors: The DGS’s Anti Drone CUAS Technology integrates a variety of different sensor types to provide a more robust detection capability and accuracy. For example, a system configuration might include an acoustic sensor that cues an electro-optical camera when it detects a potential intruding drone in the vicinity. The combination of multiple detection systems may be deployed to increase the probability of a successful detection, given that no single detection method is entirely fail-proof.

1.2 Interdiction and Counter-Drone Technology:

Drone Detection and Jamming: Disrupts the radio frequency data link between the drone and its ground-based operator by emitting specific, targeted RF energy output. Once the RF link, which can include command data link, video data link or WiFi links, is severed, a drone will either enter its “safe-landing” mode and descend to the ground or initiate a “return to home” maneuver.

GNSS Jamming: Disrupts the target drone’s satellite, such as GPS or GLONASS, which is used for navigation. When Drones lose their satellite link, they will be forced to hover in place, land, or return to home. DGS’s GNSS Jamming Technology has the most advanced ability to disrupt ALL GNSS frequency bands, including Europe’s Galileo, USA’s NAVSTAR GPS, Russia’s GLONASS, and China’s BeiDou Navigation Satellite System.

GNSS Spoofing / Protocol Manipulation: GNSS spoofing is an attack in which a radio transmitter is used to interfere with legitimate GPS signals and allows the operator to take control of the targeted drone by hijacking the drone’s communications link.

Direct Energy Weapon / High-Energy Laser: High-Energy Laser System is designed to detect, track and destroy vital segments of the drone’s airframe using directed energy. The open architecture modular design that can be integrated on a variety of tactical platforms for sea, land and air applications, making them available for immediate use in combat.

Combined Interdiction Elements: Dynamite Global Strategies’s DroneMaster Counter UAV System employs a combination of various interdiction elements to fit your needs and mission applications.

1.3 Tactical Platform Types / Deployment Options:

Ground-Based / Vehicle Mounted: DGS’s DroneMaster Anti Drone Technology is designed to be used from either stationary or mobile positions on the ground. Variety of deployment options include systems installed on fixed sites, mobile systems, and systems mounted on vehicles.

Hand-Held: C-UAS systems designed to be operated by a single individual by hand. Many of these systems resemble rifles or other small arms, for example DroneBlaster Anti Drone Gun.