Smart phones are basically handheld computers, and they need to be rebooted frequently to clear the memory. Sure this isn’t for everyone. There is truth in the fact that software updates can keep these phones current for a while. Try to take your phone calls in places where your signals are very strong to save battery. Refrain from keeping your phone on for a long period of time when your signals are weak.

But if you only use that phone for talking, then why pay the additional (and expensive) data costs? Consider buying a second for the car so that you always have one handy. You should also try keeping your phone out in the open more since the signal is a bit weaker in purses, drawers and click here other closed places. Leaving it on will only end with you having a dead battery. This generally will kill your battery, leaving you will no juice when you need it most. If you’re concerned about cell phone radiation, use a headset instead of holding your cell phone to your ear.

Typically, every cell phone comes prepackaged with a head set. Consider getting your smartphone through a prepaid carrier. You can start using it right out of the box. Just double click here the Home (square) button and then press on the first icon. The savings, therefore, come in over time. Don’t automatically throw your phone away if it was dropped into liquid.