If you’re concerned about your phone’s battery life, choose something a bit more simplistic as your phone’s background. If possible, use a hands free device when driving and talking on your cell phone. Avoid losing your battery power this way. Don’t text while you are driving. Any sort of gif is going to drain your battery faster than a normal picture as your background would. Even if it’s technically legal in your state, it’s still not a good idea. These days, cell phone users use data more than talk minutes.

This is even more true if you use a lot of apps or do a lot of Internet surfing. For example, Cricket offers the iPhone 5, and customers that switch over to them often save as much as $20 every month. A screen protector may make it difficult for you to see your screen or even make it harder for you to touch and interact with your device. Make certain that you have a charger for your battery available at all times. As this article has proven, there was probably a lot about cell phones you did not know before today.

Try to avoid using any sort of animated background as your phone’s wallpaper. If your cell phone is acting slowly after an operating system upgrade, it may be time for cellulari android economici e buoni a replacement. While 911 is usually the go to number for big emergencies in the United States, it will not work everywhere else. If you must communicate, call using a hands-free device or pull off the road to text.