
Getting Into Shape

A hiking trip of anything from 3 to 7 days in length requires preparing yourself physically for the challenges ahead. Mentally you need to be in the right place too, reading up on mental preparation for hiking is a good idea.

You need to start preparing your body at least 3 to 6 months in advance – long distance hiking can be strenuous. The body areas that need working on are: calves, thighs, arms, shoulders, back, core, lungs and heart. You are going to be carrying a heavy load so your upper body does need to be in shape too.

It is an added advantage if you are already doing some form of exercise but you need to start walking for 30 minutes a few times a week, increasing the distance every week until you are walking an hour or more at least 4 times a week. After 2 weeks carry a backpack with some items in it to provide some weight. As you progress add weight to it.

Try to walk in areas where there is uphill as well as downhill terrain – on a hike there are often hilly areas to contend with. Find a park to walk in if possible or do some day hikes if you can. See <a website for information on Day Hikes.

Other forms of exercise that will prepare you are: cycling, running, stretching, aerobics and a gym circuit or weights. If you are not doing any of these, some upper body exercises will help immensely. Doing just one of these in addition to practising walking will be of great help. While preparing physically you can start gathering equipment and making notes on food to take with.