
Before we dive into high calorie burning workouts and how we can calculate calories burned in one hour, we should probably explain what calories are all about. We all burn a certain amount of calories each and every day, whether we exercise or not. The amount of calories we burn can be measured by our metabolism. Simply put, our metabolism is the total amount of calories, or energy, required to function throughout the day. Our resting metabolism would be the amount of calories burned hiking per mile we would burn performing normal daily functions such as eating, sleeping, and basic functions such as liver function, kidney function, and heartbeat. So your total calories burned for one day would be your resting metabolic rate plus any energy (calories) burned by other daily activities and exercise.

Besides diet, age, and a few other variables, exercise has the greatest effect on our metabolic rate. So if you are going to exercise, wouldn’t it be nice to know which exercises burn the most calories? If I told you basketball burned twice the calories as volleyball, would you choose to play basketball? If I told you racquetball burned almost twice as many calories as badminton, would you choose to play racquetball? And what if I told you swimming burned almost twice as many calories as jazzercising, would you choose the high calorie burning exercise over the low calorie burning exercise? Obviously these were only examples. In real life you have many different exercises to choose from, making your decision easier based not only on the high calorie burning exercises, but also which ones you prefer or enjoy more. To make things easy, we have created a list of exercises, sports, and workout routines in order of highest calorie burning exercises first, for you to evaluate and choose from based on your weight class.