
Egypt has always been a place of mystery, magic, and history. The pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, Karnak, and the Valley of the Kings all have worldwide recognition and collectively attract tens of millions of people to see their magnificence up close and personal. Additionally, there are dozens of lesser-known Temples, Tombs, and monuments which almost feel like an added bonus to visitors. It seems that everywhere you look, there is something ancient and immense just waiting to be studied, explored, and of course photographed. It’s no secret that tourism has been an integral part of the Egyptian economy, especially since 1975, when the government eased visa restrictions. Overall visits peaked in 2010, but in recent years have been fewer due to unrest inside the nation and the Middle East; the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 was a pivotal moment which really hurt tourism. But, fortunately since then there have been changes in the leadership and it appears that the current government is serious about trying to revitalize the tourism industry by demonstrating that Egypt is a safe place to visit.