A UPS power supply system is an indispensable part of almost any kind of industry. But you would definitely ask, why should I learn what is inside the UPS?

The answer is, when you know the key components, you can easily understand its working procedure, identify a potential trouble and try to avoid them in the course.

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So here are some of the major components of a UPS system that you need to know well:

• Static Bypass:

UPS always possesses an internal static bypass circuit which is the first major defense element when you experience a failure in the UPS system.

When the system encounters a failure, the static bypass will close the circuit and the incoming power is diverted towards the batteries, rectifier and the inverter to stream utility grade power to the connections.

And due to this, your systems would continue functioning well enough, even when the internal components of the UPS get failed.

• The Rectifier:

It serves two major purposes:

  • It charges the batteries, similar to an alternator in the car, and the process allows the batteries to stay at an apposite float voltage.
  • It is also responsible for converting the incoming A/C to D/C

• The Batteries:

If you can call anything as your UPS's heart, it's the batteries. And this is so since when there is any kind of power failure, your sensitive equipment, and your mission-critical plans would depend on the batteries to support the load.

The battery system of your UPS has a string of batteries, with the number of these in a string varying according to your requirements.

Batteries in a string are mostly connected in series. Due to this, if a single battery fails, the entire string would automatically come to a halt.

Therefore, it is wise to keep multiple strings of batteries to cope up with the emergencies.

A single battery may have an overall age of 4 to 6 years. Thus, while the UPS installation takes place, you need to estimate the number of batteries carefully.

• The Inverter:

The inverter is yet another major component which accepts D/C power from D/C bus.

When there is a power failure, the rectifier stops providing current to the DC Bus and the batteries take on the task from there.

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However, when the power cut is extreme and the batteries too fall short of power, the system would be forced to drop the load unless there is an external power supply source such as an inverter or a generator.

These are some of the major parts of a UPS power supply system which you need to know. And whether you are looking for data cable installation or UPS installation, never forget to call the most experienced personnel for the job.

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