Rolling with Jesus: 12th century Greek monastery is moved on wheels to make room for an artificial lake

It has stood at the same spot for more than 800 years but now a 12th century Greek monastery is on the move to make way for a hydroelectric dam.

The nuns who worship in Holy Virgin of Tornikio, near the northern city of Grevena, will eventually look down on an artificial lake from their new home at the top of a hill.

Workers are now finalising their plans for the 416ft move, which will see the 300 ton building hauled 4in onto rails and shimmied up a 24 per cent incline.

Preparations: A team of specialist engineers is expected to take two weeks to complete the project Preparations: A team of specialist engineers is expected to take two weeks to complete the project

On the move: The 12th century monastery of the Holy Virgin of Tornikio, near the northern Greek city of Grevena, will make way for an artificial lake in India lake that will power a new hydroelectric dam

Push harder: Workers are now finalising their plans for the 127 metre move, which will see the building hauled 10 cm onto rails and shimmied up a 24 per cent incline Push harder: Workers are now finalising their plans for the 127 metre move, which will see the building hauled 10 cm onto rails and shimmied up a 24 per cent incline

Push harder: Workers are now finalising their plans for the 416ft move.

Eventually the monastery will look down on an artificial lake

The £751,000 move is being funded by the Public Power Corporation before it sets about flooding the area.

A team of specialist engineers, led by Dimitris Korres, is expected to take two weeks to complete the project.

Mr Korres told the Kathimerini newspaper that he had been instructed to display particular care during the transfer as the monastery’s interior walls feature rare murals.

He also expressed some concern about the job and said: ‘None of the transfers I have supervised ever involved an incline.’

On the move: The 12th century monastery of the Holy Virgin of Tornikio, near the northern Greek city of Grevena, will make way for an artificial lake that will power a new hydroelectric dam On the move: The 12th century monastery of the Holy Virgin of Tornikio, near the northern Greek city of Grevena, will make way for an artificial lake that will power a new hydroelectric dam

Moving on up: A team of specialist engineers is expected to take two weeks to complete the project

Costly: The Public Power Corporation is funding the monastery's £751,000 move, before it sets about flooding the area Costly: The Public Power Corporation is funding the monastery's £751,000 move, before it sets about flooding the area

Costly: The Public Power Corporation is funding the monastery’s £751,000 move, before it sets about flooding the area