The first victim was a 60-year-old Ethiopian woman who had spent six days in intensive care, a health ministry statement said, with the second a 56-year-old Ethiopian man diagnosed with COVID-19 last Thursday.

He boasts three Olympic and five world championship golds over 10,000 and 5,000 metres not to mention a stunning 11 cross-country world championship golds. The 38-year old Bekele is one of the most dominant distance runners in the sport.

The measures announced by the territory’s chief minister, which begin on Tuesday, were aimed at addressing fears over the safety of remote indigenous communities who may be more vulnerable to an outbreak.

That compares with nearly nine million registered voters, though many suspect a significant number of those were based on fake identification documents that fraudsters planned to use to stuff ballot boxes.

Two years ago, an Alabama couple decided their wedding should be not a knees-up, but a tweet-up.

This isn’t, of course, the very first Twitterized wedding.

Research conducted by the Centre for International Education at the University of Sussex found that six years after completing the programme, three-quarters of the students were still in school and progressing faster than their peers.

In 2005, while running with his 18-year-old fiancee Alem Techale on the outskirts of Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa, she fell ill and died soon after.

“It’s a loss that will always stay with me,” Bekele told Reuters that year.

The foreign ministers of Egypt and Ethiopia and Sudan’s water resources minister said they will set up a scientific study group to consult on the filling of Ethiopia’s $5 billion Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Nile River.

They also confirmed that leaders from the three nations will meet every six months for Antika Mücevher consultations.

Abiy “will call upon the two leaders to narrow their gap and work for the pacification of South Sudan and relieve the burden of death and uprooting of South Sudanese people,” Meles Alem, Ethiopian foreign ministry spokesman, said.


Local media claims that visiting ultras fired on home supporters in the vicinity of the stadium after fighting broke out.

Portions of his story – including being held under guard in hospital and his relatives being imprisoned – were echoed by the family of another refugee who described similar treatment. Their relatives were put into COVID-19 quarantine and interrogated by intelligence officers, who asked about their political affiliations and why they left Eritrea.

Eventually, the young man and his brother paid a smuggler to take them back across the border into Ethiopia.

“For children who’ve been in a labouring environment, that sense of empowerment, that sense of safety that comes from being in a warm, welcoming classroom is a powerful entry point back into the school system,” Baron said.

Prime Minister Abiy’s government accuses Tigray’s leading party, which dominated Ethiopia’s ruling coalition until Abiy came to power in 2018, of trying to reassert Tigrayan dominance over the Horn of Africa country.

The school was on a list of sites housing internally displaced persons (IDPs) that the Office of the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ethiopia sent to Ethiopia’s foreign ministry in January, according to one of the aid workers and two U.N.


‘We were just so young; that’s the thing,’ she told in 2017 while discussing the night they met.