Dharmesh Shah co-founded HubSpot. WordPlay reached $90,000 per month in revenue without utilizing any of his wealth.

His method:

Take Advantage Of An Established Trend

Remember Wordle? Dharmesh was instantly hooked. As was the tech world.

HubSpot’s co-founder noted inefficiencies in a recent My First Million episode. He wanted to play daily. Dharmesh, a tinkerer and software engineer, decided to design a word game.

He’s a billionaire. How could he?

Wordle had limitations in his opinion;

Dharmesh is fundamentally a developer. He desired to start something new and increase his programming knowledge;

This project may serve as an excellent illustration for his son, who had begun learning about software development.

Better It Up

Building a new Wordle wasn’t successful.

WordPlay lets you play with friends and family. You could challenge them and compare the results. It is a built-in growth tool.

WordPlay features:

the capacity to follow sophisticated statistics after creating an account;

continuous feedback on your performance;

Outstanding domain name (wordplay.com).

Project Development

WordPlay has 9.5 million visitors and Side hustle 45 million games played since February.

HubSpot co-founder credits tremendous growth to flywheel marketing, pushing the game through his own following.

Read full article here: https://int3gr.it/TC9A