And just as my swimming mechanics needed some work, these processes also need improvement to prevent patient data from being stolen and exposed. When you’re fishing in Canada, you’ll need to head to southern Ontario or Quebec to find bowfin (although they can be found in warm freshwater lakes and rivers all over the world). I would need a diaper. When someone is attacked in cold water, their body temperature can drop dangerously low. Despite the fact that walruses lose body heat 27 times faster in water than on land, they manage to maintain a core body temperature of 97.9 degrees Fahrenheit (36.6 degrees Celsius). There is a slight body roll. There is no scientific evidence that drinking your drinks in a specific order can cause or prevent you from getting sick. Canada has 31,752 lakes, each with an area of over three square kilometres; 561 of those lakes are over 100 square kilometres in size (including the Great Lakes, the largest group of freshwater bodies by area on Earth.) With those numbers in mind, did you know there are more than 180 species of freshwater fish native to Canada? Largemouth bass are one of the most common freshwater fish in lakes and rivers across Canada.

A penny, which weighs about one gram (the same as a paperclip), would only hit about 50 mph as it fell, tumbling toward the ground. Not only can lightning strike the same place twice, it absolutely does. Lightning likes to strike tall objects, because it’s the shortest distance for the bolt to travel. Plus, a single bolt of lightning can branch out and strike in two places at once. These animals have a collection of chromatophores, each of which contains a single pigment. Moist foods have been found to attract more bacteria than dry, but that’s about it. However, according to the Hamilton Index, a higher pH can reduce unnecessary chlorine consumption while still remaining effective at preventing algae and bacteria growth. A good storm can be fun once in a while. And yet, the colorful swimmers are definitely deserving of admiration – while they may not be A-list celebrities like some other species, they’ve got a lot going for them. If your hangover cure includes a greasy breakfast with a lot of coffee and a few aspirin, you can do better. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 2,582 people fell victim to unintentional fatal drownings in 2005. A lot of those victims were children.

Both arms press together (like a vice), and the lifeguard uses his feet to begin moving forward and then rolls under the victim to come up alongside her or him, but with the victim now on his or arena suits her back. Rip currents are caused by a sudden break in an offshore sandbar that releases water rapidly back into the lake. Splash pads are a great way for kids to get introduced to recreational water play and most of the San Antonio splash pads are free. Walleyes get their descriptive name because their eyes appear to be pointing forwards (get it? Like they’re looking at a wall!) In addition to their unique placement, walleye eyes are coated with a reflective layer that allows them to see in the dark. Others are classified by the direction in which their eyes are pointing. Muskies love to swim in the deep waters of the Great Lakes (smaller lakes are the second favourite of these impressive fish.) Muskies prefer chillier temperatures, the colder and deeper the better. The shortjaw cisco loves the deep waters of Lake Superior, Lake Michigan and Lake Huron (particularly when the water is deeper than 50 metres). Known for their distinctive whiskers, channel catfish prefer the warmer waters of southern Canada and are right at home in brooks, rivers and lakes.

This ROYGBIV-friendly trout can be found in streams and rivers all over Canada. Channel catfish continue to grow as they age, although fish caught in Canada tend to be smaller and weigh in at 1-5 kilograms or less (with 2-3 kilograms being the most common weight. Yellow, green, orange and blue are all common colourings for pumpkinseed fish. It’s common knowledge that camels store water in their humps, right? And those numbers don’t include the many fish considered invasive or newly introduced to bodies of fresh water. What is this fish called? Also called lake char, lake trout are found all over Canada, in all kinds of freshwater bodies – not just lakes. When a phrase is left hanging like this, and it is unclear who is doing the action, it’s called a dangling modifier. An assistant professor at the University of Detroit Mercy, Ibrahim, who is of German and Moroccan descent, travels from village to village whenever he visits Morocco, discussing locals’ latest finds in Darija, the local Arabic dialect, over steaming glasses of fresh mint tea.