Over-watering causes the succulent to store more & more water resulting in the leaves(or stem) bursting open to release excess water. Most often, excessive moisture in the soil is to blame. Silica will stop excess moisture building up in any container that you choose to store your seedlings in. This is the best option for succulents as they don’t tolerate high levels of moisture. Leaf cutting is another option. The best way to treat mealybugs is with rubbing alcohol. Put your fingers in the soil to test if your water is dry enough to use for the next watering. The best way to remove them is to use clippers. Should it proceed unencumbered, the lower half of the succulent will get soft to the touch and start rotting away. Healthy succulent roots should feel firm to the touch and have a light brown or tan color. Rotting root will feel soft and mushy. Slowly eating away at stems can cause the leaves to turn a unhealthy shade of yellow.

These are evergreen shrubs that turn red in color in colder months during fall and winter, and also in drought or with very little water. By wrapping the soil of a potted plant in plastic wrap, you should be able to turn the plant over without making a mess. Because these plants are so easy to propagate, you can easily multiply your sansevieria flower plant to give as a gift. You need to make sure it receives a quality, slow-releasing fertilizer. However, this liquid gel form of succulent fertilizer is ideally sold in a squeeze bottle for a continuous and easy aim and squirt application on small succulent plants. Avoid feeding the plant with extra fertilizer in its dormant season. Most snake plant types thrive in soil with a pH level between five and seven. Therefore, it is crucial to test the acidity levels of your potting material before you plant. You are now ready to care for your snake plant. It is possible to grow your snake plant outdoors as fast as you can indoors for xeriscaping.

However, mealybugs can attack it. Aphids, mites and mealybugs feast like kings on succulents. You know the mealybugs have attacked your plant when tiny white cotton ball-like substances start forming on the stem. Also, consider the lighting requirements of your cacti plant. They should not be exposed to direct sunlight. You can buy a pre-mixed cactus potting soil in your local gardening store or you can mix your own (see Soil Requirements above for the recipe). Spraying the plant under high pressure water can be used to get rid of the insects. To get rid of them, it takes effort and luck. It needs to be fed with enough nutrients to keep it strong and beautiful. Even though they might appear identical, leave one species exposed to the sun too long and the leaves will turn black. It has narrow, small leaves at the top. The leaves look like a fat alien warm. These spines, a typical characteristic of most plants in the Euphorbia family, become more and more like studs the longer they have been on the plant.

If your plant is showing signs of etiolation, it’s best to move it into a more sunny area. This is especially true if your plants are indoors. Cast iron containers are heavy and can be difficult to transport. You can also spread the infection by using liquid detergent and water. If the plants are to be used for Xeriscaping you will need to ensure that they are on sandy soil. Click on the image to see an excellent article from Succulent City that explains how to make your own succulent soil. You can find more stem-rot DIY solutions on our Succulent City Facebook Page. Here you will find tips, tricks and inspiration from other succulent lovers around the world. Over-watering is responsible for more than 95% stem-rot. How can I determine if my succulent has stem rot? I have heard and read about these plants and know that they are considered weeds and invasive in some areas.

These are porous and provide excellent drainage. Make sure your planter has a drainage hole in order to prevent stagnant water. It needs to be watered more in the summer and fall as these are their growing seasons. Most succulents grow in desert areas, where water evaporates quickly. This means that it rarely penetrates deeply into the soil. This article will explore the root systems of cacti, including how deep they reach and how they affect the plant’s survival. With this in mind, it is advisable only to water your plant when humidity from the previous drink has already dried up. As mentioned earlier, waterlogging can cause the condition. To avoid this, you should not use too much water. Too much of anything is poisonous. While it is important to wear protective gear when caring for your plant, you won’t be in the same danger as others in this genus. It is important that your plant receives at least 6 hours of sun each day. This damages plant tissue and exposes them to infection.