Every child, regardless of where they are in the world, will be familiar with toys to some extent. Toys, aside from being fun, have a number of benefits and play an important role in a child’s development. They can help with the development of motor and creativity skills whilst also assisting with their social skills – all things that are required for a child to grow and develop.
If you have a child that suffers from autism or perhaps other special needs, the importance of toys becomes even greater. Sensory toy in particular are important as any child with special needs will need help adjusting and becoming familiar with their environment. Sensory toys are also important for children with autism as they help them to develop problem solving skills, an aspect of life that autistic children sometimes struggle with. Simple toys that many will find entertaining are actual a source of education for these children.
Understanding what aids are beneficial is essential when a child is placed in a classroom environment. Conventional learning is difficult for millions of children and thankfully this is now recognised by an increasing number of schools. This has led to toys for children with special needs becoming commonplace in many classrooms throughout Australia. It is not just in schools where these toys are required, parents need them so they can help with their child’s development at home.
Sensory toys are often used by teachers, parents and carers to help special needs children hone their skills. This includes hand-to-eye co-ordination, fine and gross motor skills as well as social interaction. These types of toy tend not to be aimed at a particular age group with the priority being development rather than age. Different children will have different needs and play items designed for young children may play an important role in help an older child with autism develop. Building blocks and balls are a prime example.
Texture is something that really helps to stimulate a child with autism. Sand and water tables, textured balls and other tactile objects can help a child overcome their difficulties with texture and touch. This types of toys help autistic children familiarise themselves with their environment as well interact with things that they may encounter in the real world.
In is important to appreciate that there is a fine balance between providing plenty of opportunity for a child to explore their surrounding through toys and over-stimulating the child. Sensory toys play a vital role in a child’s development and recent studies suggest that they can even assist with information retention. An example would be teaching a child in the normal fashion only allowing them to play with water with their hand.
It is widely accepted that sensory toys have an important role to play in special needs education. These toys assist teachers, parents and the child overcome some of the challenges that they face on a daily basis.