Work your core. When most people think of their core they automatically think of just their ab muscles. However, the core is your entire mid-section, yes it does include the abs but it also includes your back and your sides. Sign up for a pilates class or if you prefer to workout at home grab a swiss ball and start working your core. This will not only start thinning your middle and help get rid of love handles, but will also help strengthen your back.

fitness tips When you climb, be sure to use the proper climbing shoes. If you have good climbing shoes with excellent traction and flexibility, you will have a more successful climbing experience. When you walk and run you are moving horizontally and require a certain type of shoe. When you move up and down as in climbing, your shoes need extra traction and also balance. You should wear shoes that are specifically designed for climbing safely. Although the thought is a little counterintuitive, the fact remains that more flexible shoes help with traction. Climbing requires a different type of traction than walking or running, so these shoes need to be flexible and have great traction.

fitness advice Catchy headlines sell magazines. Flat Abs in 3 Weeks! Get a Killer Core by Summer! Rock Hard Abs Fast! The truth is that real results take time. You didn’t pack on all those unwanted pounds in 3 weeks, so don’t expect to lose it in 3 weeks.

workout tips As with many items, each brand within a category has their strengths and weaknesses. List the features you desire in the watch and rate them from most important to least important. For example, is a heart rate monitor the primary function you need? Or perhaps the GPS feature is at the top of your list.

If you want to lose weight then you have to be motivated and hard on yourself. You cannot skip a day of working out or your plan will fold. Another great tip I received when trying to lose weight is to get a partner that will workout with you and follow the same humdrum routine type of plan. Having someone along for the ride is a sure way for you to succeed.