The industry of web design has evolved over the last 10 to 15 years.
Before social media and the page development of today, designers did not have all the capabilities they have now.
The creation of the latest web development tools, which are a demand of modern sites, include security, taking payments and a myriad of other essential needs.
It also presents predesigned themes which can be adjusted and tweaked to suit most businesses.
This gives developers much more freedom to make truly powerful and highly capable sites.

Of all the billions of websites today, 1/3 rd are on the WordPress platform.
The WordPress frameworkpermits a huge range of specialists to add to the creation of a site through the implementation of plugins.
These are easily plugged in to a project and can be run for effect, without needing any huge layout of cash.
The availability of plugins is huge and what it means for the average business is access to a range of software and features just not possible in the past.

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