They do not like to be sitting in soggy soil, so a glass jar or terrarium, which does not have anywhere for water to drain out, is not going to make your succulent happy. While light spraying succulents can make them more resilient for a time, it is not advisable to leave them alone. They should be allowed to dry completely before they go to bed. You should also know that succulents go dormant when they don’t need to be watered as often. Since the plant’s growth cycle is primarily determined by light levels, monkey tail christmas cactus dropping leaves tends to slide into a period of dormancy during fall and winter. It is important to choose succulents which aren’t tolerant of full sun. Instead, you should opt for low or shade light. This will greatly impact the success rate of your indoor succulent gardening. I have a much better success rate with stem cuttings, so I always choose this method first. The Zanzibar aloe, which is native to an area with very dry climates, doesn’t require much water and can even withstand short periods of drought. I wouldn’t say that succulents require much water. But, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t grow them!

You should be better equipped to care for succulents indoors. Now, take small cuttings of your plants and attach them on the bow. In Washington I never had a problem, but I’ve lived in Arkansas for many decades and one of my most beloved plants has died every year. When indoors, they can be grown in the same pot for up to 20 years. To ensure the health of your succulents, it is vital to have a well-drained plant pot. It’s a great way to track when you water your succulents. Gnats can generally be avoided by using a well-draining soil mixture and allowing your soil time to dry out between watering. To determine how often your plant needs water, check the soil. You can also download my cheat sheet if you haven’t already to see what it looks for when succulents need water more or less.

As if that isn’t reason enough to put these planters in your shopping cart, for every set purchased, you get a bunch of three mini gardening tools (a spade, a rake, and a hoe) free! This will make sure you have enough dirt to fill the pot, so that the soil doesn’t spill over the edge. If you do get mealy bugs, you’ll want to spray them with rubbing alcohol and pour alcohol over the soil to kill any eggs they may have laid. Depending on what kind of product you bought, you might need to dilute it before spraying the solution onto the pest. Perhaps this is your first attempt at succulent gardening. Or you might already have experience with them. Many succulents will not tolerate the extreme temperature fluctuations that cacti face in their natural environment. Haworthias, a large genus consisting of dwarf succulents, are native to South Africa. It is important to maintain healthy indoor succulents by following proper watering, well drainage soil, light, airflow and other good practices. Bugs are not usually a problem.

Meaty insects are another problem that crop up quite often. The most common insect that new growers come across is the gnat. Many people believe that succulents only thrive in sunny, warm climates. They don’t like the cold. If you’ve looked high and low for the perfect soil for your succulents and you don’t want to order soil online, it may be time to create your own soil. The good news is that you don’t necessarily need to have luck in order to care for Hobbit jade. If you plan to apply multiple coats of paint, or if you intend to layer your colors, let each one dry thoroughly before moving onto the next. Lithops flowers come in all colors but are all tan-to-brown in direct sunlight. They come in a variety of sizes, colors, and shapes that are easy to arrange on any type of staging. I like to place succulents exactly where they should be while still in their pots, so I can move them easily.

While succulents can enjoy a lot of sunshine, too much of a good thing could be detrimental. Because soil needs airflow, glass can almost obstruct airflow. Once you have achieved this, make sure to continue to water the baby succulent. Succulents need a surprising amount of water to thrive. If you have multiple plants, you will need to change the water often. Also, soil will dry slower in high humidity so you might have to adjust your daily schedule to water your succulents less often than you would during the dry season. They provide great air flow and allow the soil to dry out easily. Remove the succulents from their pots. If you happen to pull off some of the roots in the process don’t worry! You don’t have to worry if only the roots near the bottom (closest to soil) are affected.