Student’s (and parent’s) most Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a Visual Arts tutor per hour in London?
The average tutor price per hr is £40/$53/€45 per hour depending on a teachers’ experience and students’ level of study. This is higher than other areas in the UK due to the increased living costs that come with London life.
What happens when I send a message?
Once you’ve used the Find A Tutor feature to find your perfect Visual Arts tutor, you can contact them with any questions you might an even meet in advance. A tutor should respond to you within 24 hrs with an answer and the hours they are available. If your selected teacher isn’t able to fit you into their schedule we will recommend others that fit your specifications. After a tutor replies, online mandarin tutors you can then schedule a free webcam meet and if you are satisfied you can go ahead and schedule your first lesson!