Hi Stacey,I had someone send me through a video of a new south bay board with same issue. In it I have destroyed that force of which I have placed the name of this board – Cohesion, or the attraction exerted between the particles of bodies to hold them together. I have wooden spoon butter and cutting board butter in the shop. Keep your wooden spoons protected and ready for use with this easy, DIY recipe for wooden spoon wax! The heat from the candle melt and vaporized the wax to fuel gas and move up to combustion zone. It does not burn, it does not take fire as the hydrogen would; but how vividly the combustion of the match goes on! For instance, here is a piece of shellac, having the attraction of gravitation, having the attraction of cohesion, and if I set fire to it, it would have the attraction of chemical affinity to the oxygen in the atmosphere.

I do not suppose I shall set these two pieces of wood on fire by friction, but I can readily produce heat enough to ignite some phosphorus. 11, and if I take one of these glass vessels and drop a piece of pounded glass into it (or I will take some of these small pieces of rock crystal; they have the advantage of being harder than glass), and so make the least scratch upon the inside, the whole bottle will break to pieces – it can not hold together. The power which I thus have of building up this wall is due to the attraction of the particles, forming, as it were, the cement which holds them together; and so in this case, where I have taken no very great pains to bring the particles together, you see perhaps a couple of ounces of finely pounded glass standing as an upright wall: is not this attraction most wonderful?

The things we deal with in building up the structures on the earth are of strength – we use iron, stone, and other things of great strength; and only think that all those structures you have about you – think of the Great Eastern, if you please, which is of such size and power as to be almost more than man can manage – are the result of this power of cohesion and attraction. See how it gives us great strength. Now I have here a centre of power which I will not name at present, and when these particles are placed upon it, see what an attraction they have for each other. I have merely to give them a good squeeze, and draw the upper piece slightly round at the same time, and here they are as one, and all the bending and twisting I can give them will not separate them again; I have joined the lead together, not with solder, but simply by means of the attraction of the particles. I want you to try and remember these words, and then you will be able to go into all the calculations of astronomers as to the planets and other bodies, and tell why they move so fast, and why they go round the sun without falling into it and be prepared to enter upon many other interesting inquiries of the like nature.

And what will you say to me when I tell you that this piece of common charcoal is just the same thing, only differently coalesced, as the diamonds which you wear? Here are two different and cute ways to say ‘Thank You’. I will show you an experiment to prove that this attraction does still exist in those particles; for here is a piece of glass (for what was true of the flint and the bar of iron is true of the piece of glass, and is true of every other solid – they are all held together in the lump by the attraction between their parts), and I can show you the attraction between its separate particles; for if I take these portions of glass which I have reduced to very fine powder, you see that I can actually build them up into a solid wall by pressure between two flat surfaces. If I hold it at a greater distance off, they attract with less power; and if I hold it at a greater distance still, their attraction is still less.

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