Ironically, the that plunged Earth into a prolonged ‘impact winter’ likely occurred in the late Spring to early Summer 66 million years ago.

This is the conclusion of a team led from the University of Manchester who studied deposits at the Tanis fossil site in that formed at the time of the impact.

To narrow down the time of the impact, the team performed multiple different analyses of the annual growth lines in fossil fish bones preserved at the site.

They coupled this with evidence of certain behaviours of insects — such as the doge mining of leaves and the spawning of mayflies — that have a seasonal component. 

The mass extinction marks the boundary between the Cretaceous and btc mining Palaeogene periods, and cloud mining led to the demise of 75 per cent of species alive at the time.

The 6.2-mile-wide asteroid slammed into the Earth in what we know today as Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, leaving behind the 93-mile-wide .

Ironically, the dinosaur-killing asteroid (depicted) that plunged Earth into a prolonged 'impact winter' likely occurred in the late Spring-early Summer 66 million years ago

Ironically, the dinosaur-killing asteroid (depicted) that plunged Earth into a prolonged ‘impact winter’ likely occurred in the late Spring-early Summer 66 million years ago

This is the conclusion of a team led from the University of Manchester who studied deposits at the Tanis fossil site in North Dakota that formed at the time of the impact. Pictured: palaeontologists Robert DePalma (left) and Phil Manning (right), who are sitting in front of a rock outcrop containing the iridium-rich clay layer formed as a result of the impact event

This is the conclusion of a team led from the University of Manchester who studied deposits at the Tanis fossil site in North Dakota that formed at the time of the impact.

Pictured: palaeontologists Robert DePalma (left) and Phil Manning (right), cloud mining who are sitting in front of a rock outcrop containing the iridium-rich clay layer formed as a result of the impact event

<div class="art-ins mol-factbox floatRHS sciencetech" data-version="2" id="mol-eeb5e980-59b3-11ec-9f42-994443897981" website asteroid hit Earth during northern SPRING