And for many of us, we’d appreciate that protection without having to settle for a bulky, pocket-stuffing, look-changing case or cover that turns our sleek device into something different entirely.

Bodyguardz thinks they have a product that can handle the task.

But do they really? I, for one, think YES.

I spent a good amount of time researching different options for my phone (a Motorola Droid) and arrived at Bodyguardz.


For one, the quality of the film. I’ve heard the CUT is better than other options (it covers nearly everything). It’s also virtually indestructible film. And ultra thin. And lifetime guaranteed.

Second, people complain that some competing products turn yellowish and slightly bumpy, a phenomenon that’s referred to as the “orange peel effect.” I haven’t personally seen it (I’ve seen pictures), but Bodyguardz do NOT do this. The film’s UV resistance prevents yellowing and it’s smooth, not bumpy.


After putting Bodyguardz on my phone I can confirm that it’s as about as unnoticeable and thin as I could have imagined. I’ve shown it to more than a few people who have thought there’s nothing on the phone at all.

“What am I supposed to be looking at,” they ask. I smile.

I showed it to my 12 year old niece who replied, “Oh now I see it! But it’s not on the sides.” “Yes it is… look again,” I replied. “Oh… cool” she returned.

I’m able to use my phone as normal (except that I now get to put it in the same pocket as my keys, which I used to be adamant about not doing).

Bottom line, if you like the look of your device and don’t want a bulky case, Bodyguardz is the perfect gadget protector.


Is applying Bodyguardz as easy as snapping on a hard case? No, it’s not. But it’s not a big deal either. The process is a little slow (the Droid especially has a lot of edges)… but it’s pretty simple nonetheless.

Here’s what you do.

First, spray your hands with the included soap/water solution… as well as the Bodyguardz piece you’re applying.

Place the film carefully on your Droid.

Use the squeegee to remove excess solution or bubbles (if there are any)


That’s it.

NOTE: In July 2010, Bodyguardz is coming out with a product that does NOT use a liquid applicator. So if that concerns you, it may no longer be an issue.

Anyway, if you don’t place the piece right where you wanted it, just reposition it by sliding it into place. You can also lift the piece up, give it a spray, and place it back down. The process is very “forgiving” as the solution makes the film easy to maneuver until it’s perfectly placed.

Expect the process to take about a half hour (probably less for some non-Droid devices which have fewer surfaces). That may seem like a long time to put on a case, but it’s nothing in the grand scheme of things, and well worth it to avoid a bulky case.

Great product!!

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