A new board member has been added to eBay's Board of Directors as announced by the e-commerce company on September 29, 2015.
According to the multinational corporation, Mr. Paul Pressler has been appointed to the company's Board of Directors as director he will be required to manage and assist in the Audit Committee of eBay; along with this he has been given the responsibility of looking after the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee as well.

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The President and CEO of the e-commerce company stated that the eBay family is thrilled to welcome the new Director on board and that being an independent director; he has brought to the table a lot including his years of valuable experience at a major retail company such as The Gap which helped him gain immense experience in consumer branding as well and further helped him gain the leadership skills that were required to perform his duty, which now he has brought to eBay's Board.

The newly appointed Director of the online marketplace expressed his gratitude after being hired to the company by saying that he is joining one of the pioneer and leading global commerce players and he is looking forward to working with eBay's leadership team and also the board of directors who will be planning the company's future.

From 1994 all through 1999, Paul Pressler was the President of the Disney Land Resort after being the President he was appointed as the president of Walt Disney Attractions. He resigned from Disney back in 2003 and joined The Gap, an American multinational clothing and accessories retailer, as the Chief Executive officer.

He is also a partner at Clayton Dubilier & Rice LLC which is a private equity firm and is the Chairman at David's Bridal, Inc. Along with being on the board of eBay; Paul is on the Board of Directors of The DryBar, a California-based chain of salons.

In July, the leading e-commerce company in the United States parted ways with Paypal and since then it has been making some changes in the company which includes purchases and acquisitions.
EBay purchased Twice, an online consignment retailer and is currently testing a service in Germany much similar to Amazon Prime. With the addition of Mr. Paul Pressler, who has experience from both online retailing and brick and mortar, will be able to take the company in the right direction. The company is all set to enter its third decade since it existence and everyone has a lot of expectations from Mr.

Pressler, believing that he will take the company to new heights.

Mark Guillen Photo This article is written by Mark J Guillen for more information about <a website Hires Former Chief Executive Officer just visit: