Two Black Hawk helicopters will revolutionise the fight against bushfires in South Australia this summer, adding significantly to the Country Fire Service’s aerial resources, Emergency Services Minister Vincent Tarzia says.

The two Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawks, operated by SA company Aerotech, are now on standby for deployment across the state.

“These Black Hawks are one cost of fiber optic cable our strongest weapons in the fight against bushfires,” Mr Tarzia said on Wednesday.

“Black Hawks can deploy in just five minutes, surpassing the ability of other firefighting helicopters, meaning CFS volunteers on the ground have greater aerial support for longer periods.”

Each helicopter has a top speed of 360km/h and can hold 4000 litres of water or retardant.

They can refill from a tank or dam in just 35 seconds and deliver their payloads with greater accuracy.

CFS Chief Officer Mark Jones described the Black Hawks as the next generation of aerial firebombers.

“Our aircraft are key factors in helping to slow the speed of fires so our ground troops can safely get in and extinguish them.” Mr Jones said.

“The speed of response and flexibility of the Black Hawks will provide greater capability for our other 25 aircraft across South Australia.”

Aerotech managing director Sam McCabe said by basing the aircraft in the Adelaide Hills, the service was also creating jobs for pilots, engineers, ground crew and support staff.