Race the Sun, a film starring Halle Berry and James Belushi, has inspired a lot of people to study more about solar energy. It’s a story about a group of underprivileged Hawaiian high school students who decide to take part in the Solar Car Race by building their own solar-powered cars. The team designed the car to resemble a cockroach and covered it with solar panels to collect sunlight for use as an alternative energy source.

The sun’s light and heat, collectively referred to as “solar energy,” is the source of all usable solar power. Infinite solar energy is available for free. Solar energy has the advantage of polluting neither the atmosphere nor the environment. There are, nevertheless, some indirect environmental impacts.

For starters, the photovoltaic cells used to convert solar energy into electricity are made of silicon. Eventually, the solar cells themselves will be disposed of as trash. When huge solar thermal farms are poorly maintained, they can disrupt the delicate biological balance of the deserts in which they are situated.

Solar energy can be used in a variety of ways, including the following:


Greenhouses use the sun’s rays to help plants grow. Anthropologists have discovered evidence that the Romans had greenhouses even in the earliest days of their civilization. When greenhouses were first designed in the 16th century, Europe was at the forefront of innovation. The greenhouse has become an indispensable tool for today’s horticulture.

2. The use of daylight systems is also included.

Light tubes, saw tooth roofs, and light shelves are just a few of the daylight systems that can be installed on a structure to make the most of natural light while reducing the need for artificial lighting. As much as 25 percent of a building’s energy consumption can be reduced by using daylight solutions.

3. Solar thermal power generation methods.

Heat generating is the most prevalent application of solar energy. It is common to use solar power to heat water, heat a room, and increase ventilation.

The treatment of the water is the fourth step

Water distillation is a common application of solar power. Even seawater can be rendered drinkable by the processes of evaporation and condensation. The purification of drinking water is another common use for solar energy. Solar water disinfection (SODIS) works on a basic basis. Plastic bottles filled with water must be exposed to the sun for at least six hours, though this can take up to two days on cloudy days. SODIS provides drinking water to more than two million people in developing nations today.

5. Electricity supply

It is via the use of photovoltaics (PV) that sunlight is converted into electricity. The solar-powered calculator is a nice example of this. Because of solar cells (also known as PV cells, photovoltaic cells, photoelectric cells), many modern gadgets no longer need batteries. Photovoltaics are widely used in many homes, however the larger solar panels are what they use to create electricity.

Solar-powered heaters

Concentrating the sun’s rays into a tiny, enclosed area, solar furnaces or solar cookers enhance their temperature to extremely high levels. Solar cookers are used by many people in hot countries to prepare their meals.

8 years agoAs an alternative energy source, solar power has no competition. In the evenings, though, it isn’t available. In addition, it takes a lot of money to create solar power plants. Despite these drawbacks, solar energy has numerous advantages, the most important of which is the preservation of our planet’s health.