Every new day brings in new changes.
People work on developing better and faster ways to simplify their lives. Since the invention of the wheel, humans have kept on moving forward in securing ways to make their lives more productive, comfortable and advanced. Technology is the magic which has left nothing untouched.

It has made its formidable mark on the hospitality industry as well.

Let's have a quick sneak peek into the recent technological advancements.

1. Cloud-Based Hospitality Solutions

Gone are the days when industries invested a lot of their money in developing large infrastructure for maintaining and storing data.

It also was mandatory to hire a team of IT professionals to do it. But now, almost all the productivity-boosting solutions of the hospitality industry are cloud-based.Hospitality solutions come with many wonderful benefits like backed up and secured data, which can be easily accessed from anywhere the hoteliers wish.

Additionally, the cloud solutions are flexible, and they can be easily modified as per the requirements. Cloud solutions are a boon for the hospitality industry.

2. Mobile Communication

Mobiles phones have become commonplace things today. A lot of hotels have started utilizing this fact for providing better guest experience.

Mobiles phones have become the chief means of communication between the hotel staff and customers. Room services, house-keeping, and all other facilities can be available to the guest with a few clicks on the on their own mobile phones. The commence of smartphones has simplified communication in all walks of life.

Mobile phones have also replaced keycards and PABX system. Mobile phones are multi-functioning well for the hospitality industry.

3. Digital facilities

As everyone owns a smartphone or two these days, digital facilities like wifi connectivity, real-time updates on all their hotel dealings and digital conference rooms have become norms.

Hoteliers are all set to fulfill every digital requirement of their guests. Technology has far-reaching impacts on the people, and their habits are tied down to their technological devices. Owing to this, the hoteliers are totally ready with the latest technological wonders, all set to awe their guests.

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Analytics for Personalized Services

Backed with impressive tools to collect data and forecasting actions, hoteliers are now able to offer immensely detailed personalized services. They are also able to provide various times of recreation and entertainment options which are tailored as per their guests' preferences.

Technology has also facilitated the growth of individualized marketing- where hoteliers offer the exact things which a particular individual wants. Such services have given a new dimension to the scope of customized services. It has also brought the guest experience to a whole new level.

5. Virtual Reality and pts terbaik sumatera Augmented reality.

Hoteliers are making ample use of virtual and augmented reality technologies. They are being used to enthrall the guests with rich audio-visual guest experiences. Glasses with computer visions and object recognization facilities are being handed to guests.

Virtual tours of the hotels are gaining popularity. Chatbots and voice assistance who assist guests throughout their hotel stay is the in-thing these days. Also, people are finding these technologies a lot more useful than human intervention. It is also boosting up the productivity levels of the hotel staff.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Realities are here to stay.

6. Resources-Saving Technologies

Hotels are harnessing technologies to utilize all their resources better. Motion sensing Air conditioners and water facilities are not unheard of today.

Heat detection systems aid the hotel staff to dispatch the house-keepers without disturbing the guests. Motion sensing lights have also paved a way into hotels. These facilities not only enhance the guest experience but also saves up the hotels' and earth's valuable resources.

It also saves a lot of time for both, the guests and the staff.

As time moves on, we will see more awe-inspiring technological advancements in the hospitality sector. Assistance with artificial intelligence and robots are already being used by a few giants of hospitality.
Future developments stores many amazing possibilities for the hospitality industry. With technology, even the sky is not the limit.

Pallavi D.

Patel is a senior content writer at Pure ITES Limited – provider, passionate blogger and an avid reader. She has dabbled into various writing styles. She is deeply facinated by people-skills and the role of excellent communication in the growth of business.
She is customer experience enthusiast and everything related to hospitality.