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Colombia's Carlos Sanchez pleads with the referee over a penalty call.

Colombia’s Carlos Sanchez pleads with the referee over a penalty call.

Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

England fans are still rejoicing over their team’s on Tuesday, a 4-3 shootout victory that sent the Three Lions to the quarterfinals. ( reported a the day after the game, with at least one Tesco store selling out of , a popular drink choice for the hungover.)

But not everyone thinks , or that it’s fair the way modern football might be coming home to its of England.

More than 250,000 people have signed an claiming that the match was unfairly officiated and should be replayed.

“I want to denounce in front of FIFA and with the support of all my Colombian compatriots, the match of the round of 16 between Colombia and England,” reads a translation of the petition, which was started by Colombian law student Juan Diego García Muñoz.

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The petition specifically calls out two controversial plays that weren’t submitted to FIFA’s , the system new to this year’s tournament that places a team of officials in a separate room to replay contentious plays and assist the on-field refs. 

that gave England captain Harry Kane a penalty kick. The second involves a goal by Colombia’s Carlos Bacca that was called back because of a stray ball.

The petition asks that FIFA, the sport’s governing body, review the plays.

Of course, an online petition has no real power, and FIFA didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. 

Naturally, England fans weren’t buying it.

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Colombian protests aside, England has advanced and will take on Sweden on Saturday.

<div class="comment-container" data-component="sharebar" data-sharebar-options='"title":"World Cup: Petition demands England-Colombia match be replayed","description":"Did the Three Lions advance with a little help from the referees? Fans who signed an online petition say