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Redefining “fully vaccinated” to include booster shots could affect COVID-19 restrictions in many US states.

Sarah Tew/CNET

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As the  the US, health officials and other organizations are revisiting what it means to be “fully vaccinated.” While previously very rare, “breakthrough infections” — cases of COVID in people who’ve completed vaccination — have skyrocketed with omicron. On Monday, that 836 of 1,636 daily cases in Kerala India were breakthroughs.

Recent evidence strongly suggests
booster shots are needed to protect against the . Health officials are now discussing whether the term “fully vaccinated” should be modified to include boosters.

“We’re looking into the definition right now,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Wednesday  about changing how the CDC defines “fully vaccinated.” 

“That evaluation is currently underway,” she said. “But to be very clear, our recommendations are to get boosted.”

On Tuesday night, Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden, was asked on MSNBC if the definition of fully vaccinated would be updated to include boosters shots. His answer? “”

The CDC hasn’t budged on changing the definition. Its currently states, “Everyone is still considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their second dose in a two-shot series, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines, or two weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as the J&J/Janssen vaccine.” The that the Biden administration is considering using the phrase “up to date” instead of “fully vaccinated.”

Some colleges and universities aren’t waiting for public health agencies to decide. On Nov. 23, Wesleyan University in Connecticut became the , starting in 2022. Other northeastern colleges have followed suit in recent weeks, including ,  and . A list of colleges requiring boosters shots can be found at .

Here’s what we know today about why the CDC may change the definition of fully vaccinated from two shots to three. For more, where’s the latest on the , what you need to know about the and how to .

<div class="shortcode video v2" data-video-playlist='["id":"82863d3c-486d-4e96-a810-4db59d35bf44","title":"What to do if you lose your vaccination card, and how to never lose it again","description":"Your COVID-19 vaccination record card is currently the best evidence to show proof of vaccination in case you need it. Find out how to store your vaccination card, what to do if you lose it and if you should laminate it.","slug":"what-to-do-if-you-lose-your-vaccination-card-and-how-to-never-lose-it-again","chapters":"data":[],"paging":"total":0,"limit":15,"offset":0,"datePublished":"2021-07-15 11:00:00","duration":180,"mpxRefId":"lOMApyCv2o8kAXrCjP10KJMS0IaVe_Ii","ratingVChip":"TV-14","primaryTopic":"id":"1c0fd1cb-c387-11e2-8208-0291187b029a","author":"id":"","firstName":"","lastName":"","primaryCollection":"id":"82a8d3ff-1c8f-4ea3-a791-6b871b779cb3","title":"How To Do It website

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What to do if you lose your vaccination card, and how…


Can you get COVID if you are fully vaccinated or receive a booster?

While two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine combined with a booster shot doesn’t provide complete protection from a COVID-19 infection, the vaccines offer a sturdy defense against catching the virus and suffering serious illness. Walensky on Wednesday said an unvaccinated person has a 10 times higher risk of testing positive for COVID-19 and a 20 times greater risk of dying when compared with those who are vaccinated and boosted.

How many COVID vaccine doses do you need to be considered ‘fully vaccinated’?

, you’re fully vaccinated two weeks after you receive the second dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, or two weeks after a single dose of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine.

The CDC also considers you fully vaccinated if you received any single-dose vaccine or of the two-dose vaccines approved by the Food and Drug Administration or .

Why would the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ change from two doses of the mRNA vaccines to three?

This month, as preliminary studies showed omicron’s ability to infect those who are considered fully vaccinated, the definition began shifting, if not formally, then practically, from two doses of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccine to three.

“As far as I’m concerned — I make it very clear — if you want to be optimally protected, get boosted,”  on CNN’s State of the Union, when asked if three shots will become the standard.

, chair of the University of California at San Francisco’s department of medicine, said he thinks the definition change is coming soon. 

“It’s increasingly clear that if you have three shots, you’re in pretty good shape,” Wachter said during an  hosted by the San Francisco Chronicle on Dec. 10.

“I think we will stop calling people with two shots fully vaccinated within a week or two,” he said. “Omicron is going to make that case quite vividly.”


How many shots to be protected from omicron?

Sarah Tew/CNET

Will we need an omicron-specific booster to guard against the virus?

If two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine are not enough to guard against omicron, would we need a variant-specific booster to restore protection? According to Fauci, no. “At this point, there is no need for a variant-specific booster,” Fauci said on Wednesday.

But getting from the two-dose definition to three will take work. more than 204 million people right now are “fully vaccinated” with the Moderna, Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson vaccines. That’s 61% percent of the total US population. However, 60 million in the US have received a booster — just under 30% percent of the population. 

“That’s why getting more Americans vaccinated and boosted is central to the president’s plan to fight COVID and confront omicron this winter,” Jeff Zients, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, said during Wednesday’s White House briefing.

What about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine?

Last week, the CDC recommended people get one of the mRNA vaccines
– Moderna’s or Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine  — instead of . The recommendation came a few days after a preliminary study out of South Africa suggested the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine may produce “virtually no antibody protection,” against omicron, . The CDC recommendation also applies to booster shots.

CNET reached out to Johnson & Johnson for a comment but didn’t get a response.

What happens next?

Vaccine makers are already pushing for three doses as the new standard. “Although two doses of the vaccine may still offer protection against severe disease caused by the omicron strain, it’s clear from these preliminary data that protection is improved with a third dose of our vaccine,” Pfizer Chairman Albert Bourla  on early results about the Pfizer vaccine’s continued effectiveness.

The next step would be for the CDC to change its definition of what it means to be “fully vaccinated.” CNET reached out to the CDC for a comment but didn’t immediately get a response.

And will there be a ? Israel has already started rolling out a fourth shot for some of its population. In an interview with , Fauci indicated he thinks it’s “too premature” to discussing fourth doses of COVID-19 vaccines.

For more, here’s what we know about the and how the . And here’s how to .

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.