CFD trading has become a popular investment tool for millions of investors online, accessible by a convenient and simple trading platform that allows you to open a position on various underlying assets.

CFD trading involves the selling of a contract for difference (CFD) where the buyer (receiver) assumes an obligation to pay the difference between the current value and a specified value (the strike price). The seller of the CFD contract, in turn, receives from the buyer a premium for accepting this obligation. A contract for difference is an instrument through which investors speculate on future price movements in assets.
With a contract for difference (CFD) that lets you buy or sell some of the price movement of ETH without buying into it, you don’t need to worry about whether the ETH price will go up or down. You simply wait for the market to do so. Licensed CFD Brokers: We are a licensed UK based Capital Markets firm and CFD Broker offering online trading through our regulated trading platform starting at £100. Our CFD broker provides competitive interest rates, fast execution speeds, MT4-based pricing and speed.

We want to make the internet a better place. We are cooperating with people and SEO-companies in order to help them improve their self-made activities. We do this by giving them a useful, effective, easy to use and powerful tool,
We offer CFDs allowing you to trade on price movements of an underlying asset but without the need to have the full amount today. So, if you wanted to buy $300 worth of Ether but didn’t have enough money, this is your opportunity to do so. In a CFD, you do not own the underlying asset. This is a very important fact to keep in mind. When CFD trading first started out, you could use leverage ratios on these contracts to greatly amplify your trades; thus making profits and losses that vastly exceeded the amount invested. Due to this risky property, regulators have placed strict regulations on leveraged trading; particularly on margin requirements and risk caps.