There are several shops to choose from selling sports clothes and Boston Celtics Merchandise accessories, this can make it hard and time-consuming to get the best deal on a certain item you’re after. Listeners (and viewers on the simulcast) never knew what new thing they would learn on a given day or what good laugh they might get because of the stories that one of the guests would tell. Given that there are a lot of rocks, a lot of people who will be willing to point out those rocks in exchange for a deal and the amount of money paid to college coaches to sustain winning and the amount of monies that college athletic departments get for shoe endorsements, you have a cocktail of ingredients that is easily combustible and can shout out “scandal” all by itself. In the past you may have found that after exercise or a long day at work your body experiences fatigue that may require you excess amounts of sleep and rest for your body to recover.

My major issue was that I wanted to relax on the way to work and to learn something. There were no cell phones, just car phones (which got cloned with some regularity at major interchanges), and there was no satellite radio. Put simply, basketball is fun to watch, it moves, there is a lot of scoring, and there numerous stars. Sports career are fun. Most people don’t know when to call it a career and have to be told. I know, I’m asking for too much, as baseball players and owners and the baseball media (save Hal Bodley of USA Today) owe everyone an apology for this entire chapter in the history of such a wonderful game, the game we take our fathers and kids to at the same time, th game where you can have a conversation and follow the action at the same time, in good weather, eating hot dogs and Cracker Jacks.

Sports games like boxing can be now played by multiple players on the internet. The problem right now with the college game is that teams with the most talent (which include players who will leave after a single season) aren’t seasoned enough normally to win a national title. And now it comes to an end this Friday. Back in the day, when Bill Clinton was at the end of his eight-year run as President, I had a relatively long commute. By the end of my very long drive, I found that something — it was Mike & Mike on ESPN Radio. Thanks, Mike and Mike! Neither Mike Greenberg nor Mike Golic were household names. I offered that I liked the format, that the hosts were smart and funny and opined that they would become household names over time. I’m all for change and innovation, but the changes that have been made over the past couple of decades have not made the game better. They had an easy chemistry, understood the nuances of developing a national audience, where they could lose people if they focused on too much of one thing over another.

The wrecking ball reminds us that progress is inevitable, that these structures have useful lives, that the underlying real estate is worth more than preserving an out-of-date arena for the benefit of the memories of a shrinking group of people, and that, well, the structures don’t matter all that much when compared to the people who played there and those who went there to watch. They’re mostly for cold-weather countries, and while Americans like to win, with the advent of cable TV, it’s much easier to watch your favorite college basketball team than to watch just what was available way back when when the likes of Jim McKay and Jack Whitaker had you riveted to your seat. And, of course, you’re hopeful that the national championship, as much as possible, can be decided on the field and not on some Cray supercomputer. Mike & Mike got into high gear early and, even more impressively, sustained their excellence for 18 years. Not just assistant coaches and shoe company reps, but also AAU coaches and, yes, head college coaches. College sports used to be an extracurricular activity along the lines of the chorus, the newspaper and the debating club. Most women’s sports aren’t revenue generating, but Title IX is a law that requires equal deployment of monies for men and women in college.