Two is to swim faster by swimming clean for a much shorter distance. For years swimming every other day or so was a habit. There’s been lots of consumables over the years. When things are going good, you go with the flow, and chomp lots of nice juicy seals. I never got into this with the goal of winning my age group and going to Kona. Picture a very tired elephant trying to break into a trot in swamp and you’ve got about the right idea. Right now she is windmilling a bit. Went to a pool, got in, looked around, felt intimidated, got out right away, ran to the hot tub. She pulled me all the way down the pool, much to her amazement. Yes that dot way down the beach is Linda. Down around 90 seconds was about the best I could reliably do, and the 84 seconds at a swim camp seems more and more like an aberration. We were doing up the rope and down the middle, and some people seemed to lose track of which lane they were swimming in.

So instead of being early, I started swimming again, and at first it was brutal. She didn’t get as much swag over the years, the City being cheap that way, but did end up with some stuff. Then again, I was chasing someone just a bit faster than me, and nearly puked at the end. There are a further 4529 that don’t have a ‘blog’ tag, but then again, some of them are almost certainly blogged. Not all the photos edited get blogged. I miss it. I remember how hard it was to get my swim groove again after missing 2 months while on vacation. It’s a bit of a slog switching between screen, and having things time out while buried in something else. There are some interesting things I want to learn, and projects I want to do, but to be honest I’ve made essentially no progress on them in the last little while. I wanted to give it everything I had in the last 3K. I actually found my cadence and pace drop significantly in the second half of the run but I still gave it all I had in the last 3K. The crowd support really helped.

I was mid pack for the swim, second last off the bike, and way, way back on the run. To get another way of interpreting this, please glance at: backyard lap pool. I haven’t been in a pool since mid-March in Auckland. The requirements are based on obtaining the pool area and not on esthetics. Some of them are tethered together. Yet there are many people who struggle to make them work. Theres a whale free inside when its only me when Im in a public pool people feel. Feel like you have an animal inside just waiting to burst out? Not only that, but there’s a bit of refractive effect with the goggle lenses themselves that make it feel like I’m somehow about to simultaneously crash into the lane lines on both sides of my lane. I’d like that to be a bit faster. A bit of pulling with a pair of pliers and putting it in reverse and all was well.

A bit of this and that, with a bit of chat, in the water a little under 90 minutes or so. I started off by swimming most of the first length under water with a strong kick, then surfaced with an unusually smooth sharky stroke and breath. First it keeps your hair out of your hair so that you can go for a hassle free swimming. At USC, Keller captured three individual NCAA titles, then dropped out in 2002, later citing workouts that weren’t his style and sleeping through classes. Three simple things. Oh, and the date too. So a couple things to look forward to in the immediate future are the regulars, Image of the Month, and Image of the year. 4. within the same citrix screen a query tool to look at the database tables (MS Access for my sins) with brutally horrible table and column names. 6. the VM screen for the query tool to see the Maximo database tables. I got a Maximo T shirt out of Penn West, as detritus from the great office purge of 2015. By the time I joined them, speedo square leg they were losing money left and right, and didn’t have any left over for swag.