Fortunately I wasn’t there to swim. The sunset tonight made me think of Jupiter’s swirly clouds, and for a minute there was a big orange spot. I think that’s about it for an overall summary. The key to this is that the only way someone can go on the dome tour is if the member goes with them, so he climbed up all 365 steps (I think that’s how many there are) just so we could see the magnificent view from the top of the dome. We had 11:30 tickets, and were scheduled to see the dolphin show at 1:30. After a quick lunch we started on a short tour of the big fish tanks. He also specially arranged a tour of the capitol dome for his staff. They have 2 daughters, a 2 ½ year old and a 10 month old, and they have more than enough Elmo gear to satisfy our Elmo crazed child. CT (as we all called him) passed away 1 year ago Wednesday. If it was round then it was automatically a ball, and if someone passed us with a baby, or if she saw a picture of a baby, then she would start repeating “baby.” I did get her some Elmo vegetable soup, so she repeated that for a while too.

So if I get out of the water in the same time as last year, but with a lower heart rate and less energy expenditure, speedo vanquisher I’ll be happy. So Saturday morning we headed up to spend some time in Charm City. Saturday night we had dinner with some of Joe’s friends from NJ who have moved to Baltimore. He was an incredible man who was a true Wyoming cowboy. For me that included sneaking me and 2 other staffers in to a members only briefing so that we could meet U2 front man Bono (I have the picture to prove it). When the swim team’s training had ended, most of the team members had left the building. My left leg was twitching. Cinnamon roll before we left. Ours is the next one to the left. The question was more WHEN she would need one. It was never a question of IF Ella would need a g-tube.

If neither of these work then she’ll likely have to get a g-tube (feeding tube in her stomach). Alexandria has a great indoor pool facility, so we are excited to get Ella cooled off in the water. Ella has also outgrown her baby car seat! We almost missed the dolphin show because Ella would cry every time we took her away from a tank. Lucky for us Ella was getting antsy before the show even started, so Joe took her out while I stayed in and watched. Who knew that those little felt pads lose their stick after a long while? I’ve started lots of runs there, but I haven’t been there in a while. If you’re big, don’t spend lots of money. They claimed this was saving people money so they wouldn’t have to travel to the event to register. I’d met MK before at the spinathon but didn’t remember him, and he knows people I know. Do you know how to swim? Yes, it’s a plane trip, hotel stay, etc, but for us it’s worth it just to see a team of doctors who know EB.

Tomorrow it’s back to our regular routine. It’s very common among EB kids. Since they have a lot of kids visit, everything was just the perfect height for Ella. Once again, Ella loved it! Oddly enough, Ella liked the hot dog better than the cinnamon roll. We mainly checked out their furniture, and just bought a couple of little things we needed, power strips, pitcher, a new kitchen rug, etc. Of course we had to have a hot dog. Of course when any of these things would happen the room would erupt with screams, which just added to the kids getting scared. Why, the 70.3 series, of course. The only course of action is to be prepared. Taken together, we expect that age and political ideology moderate the “Greta Thunberg Effect” both directly by strengthening the association between familiarity with Greta Thunberg and collective action intentions, and indirectly by strengthening the association between familiarity with Greta Thunberg and collective efficacy beliefs.