When your six year old began piano, I daresay they were enthusiastic, but, as they became aware that the teacher’s only tool was repetition, they became dismayed, quietly. You might even have noticed it when they didn’t sit down to play quite as often.

Second, you must also take your budget into consideration. While having an expensive piano usually means that it produces beautiful sound, the question is, can you afford it or does that mean that you are putting yourself in big financial trouble? Remember, pianos are a big investment and that means setting aside a lot of your hard earned money on it. Before you even go piano shopping, decide what your ceiling budget is. That way, if a piano is beyond that set budget, then you don’t even have to consider it.

Before taking any piano lesson, you should first make sure that you are physically, mentally, and psychologically ready for it. You do not need to spend a lot of time on your daily training. An hour or two per day can be acceptable. It is fine to spend a few hours for lessons but make sure that you will do it regularly. You need a lot of practice so that your fingers will get used to playing the piano.

If you don’t know why you want play piano, start looking for your purpose now and you will be shocked how quickly you will start enjoying your journey to pro pianist.

When it comes to the black keys, things are modified slightly. Because the tone or pitch of the note is altered only slightly when comparing the black keys to the white keys, they still take their names from the 7 alphabet letters. However, they are modified with what are called “accidentals.” These accidentals are known as either sharps or flats. Sharps occur when you move UP the keyboard, while flats occur as you move down. For instance, if you start on a C and move UP (to the right of) the keyboard to the very next black key, it would be called a C sharp (notated C#). If you were on a D, however, and moved down (to the left of) the keyboard, it would be called a D flat (notated Db). This goes for all the black keys on the keyboard, thus they will always have one of two possible names.

An old wives tale about cracked soundboards is just that….a wives tale. A soundboard that has a crack, first in almost all cases can be repaired, google..com IF the tone is even affected by the crack. I have tuned a number of pianos that give no indication of a problem. Now, if the ribs, (on the backside of the soundboard which helps maintain the crown or similar to a drum head) have separated from the soundboard, there may be a buzz, or weak tone. But again that is easily repaired. We repair soundboards/rib frequently. So, if a piano you are considering has a “bad soundboard” or a “cracked soundboard” let a qualified piano tuner-technician examine the piano for you. Chances are the piano is just fine.

There are a lot of free piano lesson books and manuals on the Internet nowadays. You may also check out a premium piano training program that is affordable for you. Most online piano lesson programs are composed of piano training guide in the form of videos and manuals. Some piano instructors have made these programs so that piano beginners will be able to develop their skills even in the comfort of their homes.