Rasul Isetov (kaz. Esetov Rasul Esetuly; (Isitov, Esetov) (1924, aul Teke, near the city of Turkestan, Chimkent region – June 2, 2009, Turkestan) – Hero of the Soviet Union. Kazakh by nationality, but in official documents he was mistakenly recorded as Uzbek.

For courage and heroism shown in battles, by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 24, 1945, Sergeant Isitov Rasul was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


He graduated from four classes and before being into the Red Army, he worked at a meat processing plant.

At the age of 18 he volunteered for the front (according to other sources, he was drafted by the Turkestan regional military and enlistment office of the South Kazakhstan region on March 25, 1943). After passing the „training” in Ashgabat, he was sent to the 1st Ukrainian front. Later, from March 1944, he fought as part of the 4th Ukrainian Front.

Order No. 51 / n of: 20.10.1944 to 17th Guards. sk sergeant Isitov was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree for the fact that during the battle in the Vorokhta district on September 22, 1944. Having penetrated into the rear of the enemy, with his group attacked the calculation of the enemy cannon, destroyed it and with automatic rifle fire forced the enemy in the trench to cease fire on the advancing infantry, which ensured the capture of n / a.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 24, 1945, Sergeant Isitov Rasul, commander of the rifle squad of the 3rd rifle battalion of the 650th rifle regiment of the 138th rifle division, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the fact that in the battle of 10/01/1944 he suppressed two machine-gun bunkers with grenades, killing 4 and taking 9 more soldiers prisoner, and destroyed a concrete bunker with an anti-tank grenade through the chimney, killing 5 soldiers and 1 enemy officer, while taking 24 soldiers prisoner. The total number of those taken prisoner personally by Rasul Isetov on that day was 33 people. Thanks to the brave and selfless actions of Isetov, the company that day captured two 37-mm weapons, 2 easel, 6 light machine guns, 2 flamethrowers, 4 anti-tank rifles, 60 rifles, 400 shells, 2 mortars, 1,000 mines and up to 10,000 rounds. Later, on November 11, 1944, the hero destroyed a bunker with 15 enemy soldiers with grenades. After suppressing the bunker, together with his group, he destroyed 50 enemy soldiers and 2 officers in battle and captured a 37-mm cannon, 2 heavy machine guns, 2 PTR rifles, 1 flamethrower, 40 rifles and an ammunition depot.

Here is how the feat of Rasul Isetov is described in the book „Heroes of the Carpathians”:

“The company, in which Yesetov fought, at the beginning of November 1944 received an order to seize the height occupied by the Nazis. The enemy positions were strongly fortified, surrounded by barbed wire and equipped with bunkers and pillboxes. Heavy machine-gun fire did not allow the soldiers to raise their heads. At this time, Rasul Yessetov, crawling to the enemy bunker, drowned out the machine-gun embrasure with an anti-tank grenade throw. And after the same successful throw, he managed to suppress the second machine-gun point of the enemy, forcing it to silence. Thus ensuring the advancement of our infantry ” …

Rasul Isetov, Hero of the Soviet Union:

One of two Kazakhstanis who received the highest award of the USSR for the battles in the Carpathians in the East Carpathian . Rasul Isetov is Kazakh, Mikhail Petrovich is Russian.

He took part in the Victory Parade in the summer of 1945 in Moscow, where he proudly carried the regiment’s banner.

After the war

Returning from the war, he worked for the good of the Motherland. For a long time he was considered an Uzbek because of an error in the document.

In 1985 he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.

Living in Turkestan, he dreamed of seeing the homeland of his ancestors and in 2004 he visited Karkaralinsk. There Rasul Isetov corrected the mistake of the pre-war years, becoming a de jure Kazakh.

Awards and titles

  • State awards of the USSR:

medal „Gold Star”; The order of Lenin; Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree – twice; medals of the USSR.

  • State awards of Kazakhstan:

Order of Dostyk, 2nd degree.

  • He was an honorary citizen of Turkestan and Yasin (Transcarpathian region, Ukraine).