Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine (Ukrainian Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine) is a state executive body of Ukraine, whose are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The Ministry is headed by the Minister of Industrial Policy of Ukraine, who is appointed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the manner prescribed by law.


Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine:

  • takes part in the formation of the of Activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and ensures, in accordance with its competence, its implementation;
  • takes part in the development of drafts of the State Program for Economic and Social Development of Ukraine, laws on the State Budget of Ukraine, prepares proposals on the determination of areas for the development of industry;
  • takes part in the development and implementation of state policy in the field of economic security;
  • ensures, in accordance with the legislation, the implementation of a unified social, scientific and technical, investment and environmental policy in the industrial sector of the Ukrainian economy;
  • within its competence, coordinates the foreign economic activity of industrial enterprises, in particular in the field of the defense complex, ensures, in accordance with the established procedure, the preparation and by Ukrainian business entities of anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and special complaints (statements);
  • takes part in the preparation and conclusion of international treaties in the manner prescribed by law; performs the functions of managing state property in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine;
  • submits, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals regarding the determination of the features of the privatization of enterprises that relate to the sphere of its management.