The following are the course requirements for a Major in Kinesiology. Explore the effects of exercise on the aging process, learn about physical activity’s impact on lifestyle or discover how sport and recreation impact the global community – in Brescia’s Major in Kinesiology program, you decide! I was raised in the countryside of Ontario, Canada where my parents taught me how to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Kinesiology programs usually attract students who enjoy hands-on work with other people, live an active lifestyle, and have an interest in the health and well-being of the general population. It is available to students with a strong academic background who intend to continue studies at the post graduate level in Kinesiology or related field, or to students who intend to pursue a career where research experience would be an asset. This combination of academic and real world learning helps students to further develop the necessary qualities and skills that will be transferrable to future career paths. Sophomores and juniors, focus on getting strong courses in the core academic areas right now.

Depending on the desired certifications, students may need to take certain elective courses beyond the core curriculum of the program. Students are advised to consult with the Department Chair or their Faculty Advisor prior to registration. New student orientations are held each fall and spring semester and allow you to become familiar with our department, faculty and staff members and facilities. Review the admission requirements for each of the Faculty of Science programs you are considering. The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)? For admission to the Honours program, students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all Kinesiology courses combined and an overall GPA of 2.7 in all previous courses. Note: Honours students are advised to consult with their advisor for assistance in choosing electives that will support their research project. Students are encouraged to review certification requirements early in their degree so they are able to plan their education and volunteer hours accordingly. Experiential Education (EE) provides opportunities for students to gain academically relevant experience in a community, research or professional setting. While some students tailor their course selection toward their intended career path, others choose courses from across many sub-disciplines. In some Posterior Upper Shoulder-level course curricula, we incorporate training and research opportunities, possibly as part of a community outreach program.

Permission of the Department is also required and is contingent on the student finding an advisor and on acceptance of the research project by the Department of Applied Human Sciences. Note: MATH 1A03 (Calculus for Science I) or MATH 1LS3 (Calculus for the Life Sciences I) must be completed by the end of Level II. You can also transition to one of our Master’s programs in either Coaching and Exercise Sciences or Coaching and Athletics Administration. A large part of the success also depends on the extent of the problem and whether it is an old or new one. If you can muscle test yourself in a neutral state of mind, as if you were muscle testing a stranger, your chances of success are great. Earn a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology while setting yourself up for success for medical school. By taking the program’s required kinesiology courses at Western University and elective courses at Brescia, you have the opportunity to tailor your degree to your personal interests and professional goals. The Bachelor of Arts, Major in Kinesiology program brings your Brescia experience to the next level by taking your passion for human kinetics and turning it into a rewarding career.

The Honours program differs from the major in requiring a two-semester research course with thesis report for a total of 126 semester hours for the degree. The following are the course requirements for the Honours program in Kinesiology. Students following this degree program must complete 57 semester hours of required courses in Kinesiology and 6 semester hours of required courses in Foods and Nutrition, and 6 semester hours of courses in humanities. Students interested in completing the honours program should consult with the Department Chair as early as possible, no later than March 31st of the student’s third year. The Honours program in Kinesiology is designed to provide research experience at the undergraduate level within the BSc Program. Under the guidance of Brescia and Western professors, you will enhance your teamwork and problem-solving skills to become a leader in your field through a variety of dynamic courses, including: The Psychology of Sport, Research Design in Human Movement Science and Professional Ethics in Kinesiology. The research component is to be completed within the BSc program through completion of Kinesiology 4900: Advanced Research and Thesis. Graduates of our Kinesiology program are eligible to apply for many certifications after graduation. A 5 year BS MPH joint degree program is available for students majoring in Community Health, I-Health, or Kinesiology.