The musical magic of Lauren Zhang

Contrary to the assertion of David Pollock (Letters, 14 May), the Church of England has not at any stage lobbied for the lifting of the faith cap. The church is committed to serving the whole community, and is working to ensure more families in all areas of the country have access to our schools. Friday’s announcement does not impact on this commitment, as the majority of Church of England school places are allocated irrespective of faith background. I hope this helps to clarify an important issue.
Rev Nigel Genders
Chief education officer, Church of England
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Marks and Engel writing perceptively on English cricket in the Guardian, I see. Good job they didn’t just confine their interests to political philosophy, then (I’m losing my religion, Sport, 12 May). Splendid articles from both recently highlighting the terrible state of cricket caused by poor administrators in the England and Wales Cricket Board. Who on earth appoints these people?
Keith Plaister
Chelmsford, Essex

Monday’s (14 May) print edition carried reviews of a pop concert, the Eurovision song contest and the Baftas, but not a single line about the astonishing 16-year-old Lauren Zhang, who on Sunday night became the Young Musician of the Year with a performance of Prokofiev’s 2nd Piano Concerto that left everyone breathless. Shame on you, Guardian.
Dan Zerdin
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Pleased to see your article about the legendary John Simons (Arts, 14 May). I bought my first Field & Stream Harrington from him in my local Covent Garden shop in 1981 and it remains a very wearable, if battered, treasured possession. Every visit to his emporium is a thrill. Those shoes! He is a mod god.
Max Bell
Thame, Oxfordshire
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After being lumped together with the House of Lords (Letters, 12 May), I’m off on the four counties ring. And that’s not a double entendre.
Ian Grieve
Gordon Bennett, Staffordshire and Worcester canal

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