I was wishing the Swim Nazi would show up. Less Chemicals: Unlike pools, swim spas are available with their own purification system and require less use of chlorine to keep it clean. Most people want a pool because they use it as a fitness tool. Im pleased to state that this wasnt a formal swimming pool though at least everything was right like the sides of the pool. There’s nothing I don’t like. I like listening to people tell me what’s wrong with their database, and then I’ll tell them how to fix it. Let’s review. If you were walking so far, or so fast that you felt you needed to have a “rest day”, then you have not fully grasped the word GRADUAL. You have to email the link from your phone to the main computer if you want anything to be a reasonable size, and there’s times it’s been pissy about that too. But recently it’s been really pissy about measuring the distances accurately, and I’ve never believed the elevations. Friday swim was about 1.8 K much earlier than usual. Friday night I was down for 45 minutes of easy spin, just hard enough to get a bit of a sweat on, then stretched with some core after.

As a cool down I tried to do some backstroke, but there was no way. Though as I was finishing up some kids from a synchro club hopped in the next lane to cool down. Did that 15 times, then a cool down walk, and some stretching. It goes down to the deep end just before the bulkhead, and there aren’t many references to set up your flip turn. The swimming pool sloped down from the low end but at a certain point, the deep part fell away on all 4 sides to become 1-2 ft deep. Having my knee or low hurt while doing it. Ahem. For a while I wanted to try skydiving. I’d always wanted to try it. That has since been relegated to the list entailed “Damn fool things to try when there are no better alternatives.” Probably top of the list now, is signing a publishing contract that pays me a lot of money. That’s gotta hurt. Can she try again next year?

The first post was Oct 27, 2007. I link because this explains the why, and rather than type it all over again, I can work on this glass of wine. Other than the first post, many of the immediately following ones are very boring. They are quite a source of fun for the whole family. You can also give different techniques fun names. Yes, you can blow up the Runmeter one, but it’s just more playing to get a screen shot. I don’t get enough time to do it, and the skill goes away so quickly. Going through the waste of time hoops to get a degree will save a bunch of time job hunting later on. Not only that you will save time by having it at your house, but you will also save such a great amount of money. Not every dog will love the water polo gear, but with patience and kindness, most dogs should be taught not to fear it.

Like a swimming pool, you will need to regularly maintain your swim spa so that it remains a sanitary place to relax and swim. What do you like most. 10. What is something you would like the rest of the world to know? 4 times. Well, once really, but there was a 4x in front of it, so you know what I mean. Very seldom do we know we are doing something for the last time, or seeing someone for the last time. The other is still hanging in there, last I checked. But with the last couple days feeling fatigued, I thought it better to back off. You’ve probably explored the neighbourhood much better. She had been wobbling along the centre lane marking, trying to take up as much space as possible, and flounced off to another lane when I started anyways. The best heat retention and take maximum advantage of the motor heat, but it is expensive.