Treatment for dementia with the use of drugs and medication is aimed at three categories of symptoms,to improve brain functioning and cognition,to treat behavioral symptoms, and for pain management.Although Online Dementia Training is not reversible, doctors will look at whether or not the decline in mental functioning is the result of other conditions which are treatable. Alzheimer’s disease has no cure, although at an early stage it is possible to delay the development of the disease with good medical care and appropriate medication treatment. Our goal is to enable you to make solid caregiving decisions, based on having access to as much information and understanding as is possible. Be a part of a treasure trove of in-depth articles, stories, book and product reviews – and much, much more! Forgetfulness, temporary confusion, or having trouble remembering a name or word can be a normal part of life. However, when dementia does occur, it usually gets worse and often decreases quality of life and lifespan.

This is especially important in light of strong evidence that the progression of the symptoms can actually be slowed down with an early diagnosis and a good quality programme of care and specialist medical help. It will also help you to plan for the future and get the right support and advice. Getting help, support and advice at an early stage can make a big difference and there are many people and places to provide this for you. Usually, after the episodic memory is altered, short-term memory is altered, and then some other area such as attention or language is added, depending on the evolutionary stage in which the patient is. The kind of medical attention and daily assistance some elders need, however, is much more than most working adults can offer. This ‘treatment gap’ is certainly much greater in low and middle income countries, with one study in India suggesting 90% remain undiagnosed.

In another UK study discussing the delay in dementia patients seeking help, it mentions one of the signs as the loss of the ability to perform a usual task. Memory loss or impairment is one of the most commons symptoms of dementia. “Vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia”. Develop plan of care with family to meet patient’s. Obtain history from patient, family, and friends regarding patient’s dietary habits. While there is not usually a cure for dementia, there are medications and lifestyle or dietary changes that may slow down the onset of the symptoms. Well, by being aware of the early symptoms of the disease. There is no limit to the ways in which this disease needs to be attacked. If there is a specific topic of interest we have not yet covered it, please let us know. Not only do you have to think about the physical and psychological effects of dementia, but you also need to consider how you’ll pay for dementia care or share the responsibility with other family members. Some people may need to stay in the hospital for a short time. Since it is progressive by nature the patient’s condition after a point of time get worst subsequently it may cause death.

It may be that the spouse, as main carer is in failing physical health and cannot shop, clean, cook, launder and cope with the psychological demands of caring for a loved one with dementia. Information is one critical strategy. Information is a critical resource. Thank you for managing such a great resource on dementia. You have created such a useful resource. Research shows that most people currently living with dementia have not received a formal diagnosis. It would be our pleasure to research the subject. Still other scientists are trying to identify biomarkers (biological indicators of disease), improve screening tests to aid diagnosis, and research new treatments. An early diagnosis of dementia can help you to get the best benefit from current treatments that are available. A caregiver will help you with this entire process. Whether you are searching for valuable dementia resources or would like to share your own experiences to help others, contact us to be a Guest Author. Dementia Map is not just your primary source for valuable dementia information, but our Events Calendar is here to revolutionize how individuals and organizations connect to their target markets – without breaking their budgets!