If you think about the matter of enhancing the fortune or beliefs about things that bring good luck Apparently, there are many, depending on who likes or is interested in something in particular. But it cannot be denied that this moment One of the fortune-telling items that are hot and can’t be pulled is inevitable “lucky stone” that has been adapted to make jewelry into bracelets or bracelets, which is gaining popularity with a lot of people. Not even the stars And many famous celebs, both men and women in our country. who slapped their feet on the stone bracelet of this color until it became a fashion trend right now as well

It is believed that these colored stones can enhance fortune or bring good luck in various aspects of life. which, in fact, depends on personal beliefs But some people believe that the power of colored stones will help in matters of the mind. Or some people wear it to enhance the luck of love, work, finances, health and many other aspects. Which is up to the person who wears it wants to add a special aspect to life itself.

The highlight of the colored stone bracelets that made them quickly gain popularity is Available in many colors Many designs and many features. The important thing is to wear it and look beautiful in the form of jewelry. And it is also convenient to carry and wear on any occasion. It can also be worn to match with a variety of outfits. will be put in a single line Or put many overlapping lines with the watch, it looks quite chic. As for the price, it depends on the size of the natural stone and the rarity. If the colored stone is large and hard to find The price will go up as well. Today we have collected some lucky color stone samples. That is known and popular in general. Let’s let you know the meaning of wearing that can help in any aspect. So don’t be afraid to wait. Hurry up and scroll down to see examples of different natural colored stones!

Turquoise – a stone of wisdom and prestige

A stone that many people probably know very well. And is considered the top stone that most people like to use as an accessory to enhance the fortune. Turquoise can help enhance the power of both men and women. good intelligence capable above others safe and victory over the enemy For a woman with a large career or owning a business This type of stone should be carried with you as an accessory. Because this type of stone will send power to subordinates loyal and loyal. It’s also ideal for people who travel long distances a lot.

Smoky Quartz – Foundation Stone

This type of stone is the foundation stone. Stimulates change Suitable for people who need to be creative in their work. and business acumen including those who are desperate and discouraged This stone can relieve stress and กำไลหินนำโชค help you relax. bring balance in the body and mind

Amethyst – Stone of Spirit and Emotion

spiritual stone Amethyst will help to remember dreams. It gives people more self-awareness and flexibility in making decisions. The ancient people believed that it was a stone that helps in eliminating stress. cure blood disease insomnia blood sugar and help ease the angry mood Wearing an amethyst accessory while sleeping will help you sleep more peacefully. no nightmares to disturb

Onyx – Stone of Protection

Onyx or Onyx can protect and protect it from various dangers. and protect them from accidents or from people who do not wish well People who are weak and sick often should wear it or carry it in order to improve their health. The stone also brings good luck to its owner. It is an ideal stone for people who are not confident in themselves or are unsettled in their thoughts, paranoid and anxious about their surroundings.

Beryl – Stone of Wisdom

This type of stone in Japan is known as the “green bar” and comes in a variety of colors. From transparent, yellow, blue, purple, aquamarine and emerald, it is one of the top quality beryl stones of medium and above. Beryl is a stone of wisdom, intelligence, knowledge and determination. In terms of health, it is suitable for people with heart, kidney, oral and throat problems.

Agate – Stone of Enhancement

Agate, also known as chalcedony, is a multicolored stone. The most popular are blue-gray with white stripes. Or the blue color in the rock. “Mora” is the name used to refer to a type of stone that has a streaked pattern. With different colors and opacity, chalcedony has a variety of characteristics. It is a stone that enhances vitality and vitality and gives the owner confidence. in the Roman era This stone has been used as a lucky charm for athletes competing. is like a talisman The Egyptians believed that This stone will protect the wearer from danger. and is a representative of the property It helps to increase wealth, wealth, and also helps to make the mind calm and calm. If held, it will help cleanse violent, hot emotions, relieve stress. It also helps build immunity to the body. If placed on the head of the bed is believed to be able to help enhance the ability. image of sexual power as well

Strawberry Quartz – Stone of happiness and energy in the body.

It is a stone that increases the power of the wearer. focus on creativity enhance the functioning of the heart increase caution and build the immune system for the body Helps restore energy to recover from fatigue. and the interaction between body and mind goes smoothly It is also considered a stone of happiness. humor have a correct understanding of ideas and make the journey in a good way

Amazonite – a stone of professional progress

Amazonite is an unusual bluish-green stone. If it is from India, it will be of better quality than the stone from the Amazon. which was the first source of discovery Unprocessed stones do not have the same clarity as moonstone. Amazonite is a stone that supports professional abilities. both posing, expressing and communicating with people to show courage As for health, it’s good for the throat and nerves.

Jade – Stone of Prosperity

Jade is a stone with shades of green. or greenish white If divided in detail There are two types of jade: hard “jedite” and weak “nevelite.” Hard jade comes in a variety of colors such as green, white, pink, and brown, while the most expensive type is green jade. dark emerald or known as Imperial Jade The soft jade is mostly dark green and cream. Jade is commonly used as amulets. Helps protect from disease, sickness and longevity. It also helps in intelligence. able to dodge from the enemy Therefore, jade is often a travel amulet. According to Chinese legends, jade is believed to be a sacred stone. It has the power to balance the body and mind. It is qualified to treat patients with unexplained illnesses, including kidney disease, respiratory disease. Make the blood flow that is jammed back up. Because jade has the power to drive waste out of the body as well. Helps the body recover faster It is considered an ornament that gives high auspiciousness to life.

Moonstone – a stone of love, tenderness and peace.

Women who wear moonstones are emotionally protected. If there is a problem in love distance in married life You should hold the moonstone in your hand and think about the problems that are going on between them. The energy waves of the stone will soothe you and alleviate your suffering. This type of stone will increase its owner’s miraculous power. especially those who are in love In India, this stone is a talisman for the love of young couples. It is also believed that the stone will be clearer on the full moon day. which is the origin of the name of this type of stone It is considered a stone for good luck. Help create the power of love for couples especially.

How are the options we have introduced? This is still only a fraction of the lucky stones. Because in fact, there are many types of lucky stones. Any young person who is interested in trying to wear it can try it. There are many designs, sizes and prices. In fact, these stories are personal beliefs. Still, no one really has figured out whether these stones actually hide the mystical powers that enhance luck or not. But for anyone who really wants to wear It is advisable to research the properties of the stone that really matches your needs for the correct insertion and attachment. And for anyone who wears a lucky stone and it works really well. Don’t forget to share with us some.

Writer: Thip S. Selley
Credit: jewelrymae, tinybuddhagems, @beadbyolivia, @madamestone