The stream of ” Lucky Stone ” continues to be strong. Although some people take it seriously Or some people focus on adding beauty to the horoscope as a by-product. But there are still a lot of people who still believe that these stones will “bring good luck” to those who wear them.

lucky stone
lucky stone

The 5 types of stones that are introduced today are regarded as the most popular stones. Of those who love colored stones, they must have it in their possession. Because these 5 types of stones will help in matters of money, riches, emphasizing fortune for the wearer mainly. are as follows


1. Unakite , an auspicious stone that enhances luck and wealth It is found mainly in South Africa or South America. It is a stone that the Indians regarded as a sacred stone. as a symbol of rebirth and the stone of desire Those who carry this type of stone will enhance in making money, enhancing wealth, gold and prestige.

In addition, Unakite is also a stone that brings luck. Suitable for people who like to gamble. like to gamble and also stimulates unexpected fortune For people who need to work in risky places The power of the stone strengthens the mind to be courageous, confrontational, decisive, and do things with decisiveness and prudence.

5 colors of silk stone
5 colors of silk stone

2. 5 colors of silk stone, super auspicious stone that brings good luck that you must have It is an auspicious stone that enhances wealth and prosperity. enhance reputation in the work industry Helps to eliminate obstacles in work

Help restore the wealth and revitalize the business to be more advanced. 5 colors of silk, consisting of golden silk, กำไลหินนำโชค silver silk, nak silk, black silk and green silk.