I firmly believe that we are all Club members first, and ladies or gentlemen second and that golf is both a game and a social occasion. Like in any sport, practice is crucial for the general advancement of the game. Everybody has accepted the game clock as part of the game. There was a lot of confusion yesterday and I was pleased to see that almost all of our members turned up with the right attitude, masks in hand and ready to abide by whatever the current COVID rules were in place. You can stay home and do nothing or you can lend a hand and grab an oar as we row towards shore. Yes, he’s teammates for the week with Bryson DeChambeau and 10 other guys, charged with regaining the Ryder Cup on home soil. We would like to nominate Cancer Research and the local charities, Home Start and Family Friends (who help struggling families with young children), as our Captains Charities in 2011. There will be a Charity day on September 10th and other fund raising events, and the 20p fine for going into a bunker on the 18th hole will be re-instated. But once you start learning about it and developing the skills needed to participate in contests, you may actually consider following the sport on a professional level.

When first arriving at Better Golf, we encourage students to take a screening test designed by the Titleist Performance Institute to help determine their current level of strength and flexibility. 1. Each player must be a financial member of a registered custom wilson golf balls Club and have a current AGU or WGA handicap. Just Google “Online Golf Club Membership”. It was built in 1895 when Colonel William M. Graham, the Presidio’s commander at the time, allowed a group of businessmen known as the San Francisco Golf and Country Club to create a nine-hole course within the post. Lauren Bevan – recently qualified for the U19 girls Spring Classic at Grey Silo Golf Club in Waterloo. Thousands of families visit the area each spring and summer to indulge in the powdery sand and consistently ideal weather. The charity bank account number will be published so that, if you forget your fine (or are just feeling generous), you can transfer money directly!

There should be a feeling in the shift of your arm, down your torso which means that you are approaching the ball on your right side (right handed golfers). Players with lower swing speeds need higher spin rates to keep the ball in the air longer. Management are well aware of the problem and actively addressing slow play from visiting societies, but we, as players, also need to get our house in order. Going the extra mile to make personalized golf tees will surely get the attention and appreciation from the recipients. Steve has promised a free drink to all attendees which should get the questions flowing! Also let all the officers concentrate on their golf out on the course – that is not the place to ask them questions. Simple things can make all the difference:- – don’t mark your card on the green; – if it’s your honour but you’re not ready, let someone else go first; – leave your clubs on the side of the green closest to the next tee; – size up your shot and decide on your club whilst approaching your ball so that you can play straight away; – if players in front of you stray onto your fairway give them priority – you’re only delaying yourself otherwise; – at weekends endeavour to make up 4 balls – it will make your round more enjoyable and free up tee-times for others; – under no circumstances play if you don’t have a tee time – if you think someone is pushing in please challenge and report them to me so that action can be taken.

Our rule was: if you could beat Mom you got an extra topping on your post-game ice cream – but you had to play straight to win it, using (mostly) the same rules as Mom. Unfortunately not all the bunkers got done but the difference on those that have been done is significant. We have many new Council. We are also planning a Council website. There will also be a facility available on the website for you to pass on any suggestions you may have. A simple paper fixtures list will shortly be available, with the same information available on the website. To this end we intend to issue a monthly newsletter containing details of upcoming events etc – it will be emailed, and also published on notice boards and website. At the same time there will be a quarterly medal champion competition for all prize winners, followed by a presentation. We also intend to review Boarded competition prize levels. Individual competition entries have been deducted. Well, as you can see I’d recommend this kind of guides but you have consider a look around and see what other fellow golfers are declaring about particular golf swing aids and instructions.