Kim Jong-un was seen speeding off in a black Mercedes Toronto airport Limo & Taxi surrounded by 12 jogging security guards after leaving the first stage of Friday’s peace summit to have lunch. 

TV footage showed the bodyguards in a ring-shaped formation around the vehicle as it rolled back to the northern side of the Panmunjom truce village where Kim and other North Korean officials were due to have a bite to eat.

The portly tyrant clearly wasn’t keen on the short walk after a long morning of talks with President Moon, during which the two leaders discussed prospects for peace after more than six decades of hostility.

The crack team is believed to have been chosen from the Supreme Guard Command which overseen the Kim family for three generations

The crack team is believed to have been chosen from the Supreme Guard Command which overseen the Kim family for three generations

The crack team is believed to have been chosen from the Supreme Guard Command which overseen the Kim family for three generations

Television showed the bodyguards in a ring-shaped formation around the vehicle as it rolled back to the northern side of the Panmunjom truce village 

Television showed the bodyguards in a ring-shaped formation around the vehicle as it rolled back to the northern side of the Panmunjom truce village 

Television showed the bodyguards in a ring-shaped formation around the vehicle as it rolled back to the northern side of the Panmunjom truce village 

The guards deftly altered their formation to avoid being hit as the car turned a slight bend in the road

The guards deftly altered their formation to avoid being hit as the car turned a slight bend in the road

The guards deftly altered their formation to avoid being hit as the car turned a slight bend in the road

Kim was seen stepping into the limo outside the Peace House, where his talks with Moon had taken place. 

As the vehicle began to pull off the bodyguards immediately leapt into action, peeling off one by one to ensure it was covered on all sides. 

The guards deftly altered their formation to avoid being hit as the car turned a slight bend before crossing a patch of dead grass over to its destination. 

Twitter users poked fun at the bizarre video after it emerged online

The Mercedes limo then crossed a patch of dead grass on the way to the dictator's lunch destination

The Mercedes limo then crossed a patch of dead grass on the way to the dictator's lunch destination

The Mercedes limo then crossed a patch of dead grass on the way to the dictator’s lunch destination

The all male team of suited guards followed the North Korean dictator throughout the day 

The all male team of suited guards followed the North Korean dictator throughout the day 

The all male team of suited guards followed the North Korean dictator throughout the day 

The bodyguards first appeared as Kim descended steps towards the demilitarized zone and President Moon

The bodyguards first appeared as Kim descended steps towards the demilitarized zone and President Moon

The bodyguards first appeared as Kim descended steps towards the demilitarized zone and President Moon

Later they reappeared to run next to Kim's car. The leader later spoke to President Moon about his disdain for other forms of transport in North Korea

Later they reappeared to run next to Kim's car. The leader later spoke to President Moon about his disdain for other forms of transport in North Korea

Later they reappeared to run next to Kim’s car.

The leader later spoke to President Moon about his disdain for other forms of transport in North Korea

In perfect formation, the team maintained a crisp barrier around the vehicle as it moved the portly leader from one appointment to another 

In perfect formation, the team maintained a crisp barrier around the vehicle as it moved the portly leader from one appointment to another 

In perfect formation, the team maintained a crisp barrier around the vehicle as it moved the portly leader from one appointment to another 

Twitter users were quick to poke fun at Kim over the bizarre video after it emerged online

Twitter users were quick to poke fun at Kim over the bizarre video after it emerged online

Twitter users were quick to poke fun at Kim over the bizarre video after it emerged online

Jonathan Cheng tweeted: ‘The morning session is over, and Kim Jong Un, riding in the Mercedes limo, gets the human motorcade treatment, as his 12 bodyguards get in some nice midday cardio.’  

Jeremy Holleb wrote: ‏’That was a long run by the bodyguards.

Why isn’t Kim running next to his own limo? It would do him some good.’ 

And ‘A New Day’ jested: ‘Can somebody please tell Kim it is ok to bring more than one car next time.

The portly tyrant clearly didn't fancy the short walk after a long morning of talks with President Moon at the Peace House in Panmunjom (pictured)

The portly tyrant clearly didn't fancy the short walk after a long morning of talks with President Moon at the Peace House in Panmunjom (pictured)

The portly tyrant clearly didn’t fancy the short walk after a long morning of talks with President Moon at the Peace House in Panmunjom (pictured)