3 Occasions To Buy Balloons

3 Occasions To Buy Balloons

You go to just about any child’s birthday party and you will see balloons everywhere. Kids love balloons. They bring fun and excitement to the party. But did you know that birthday parties aren’t the only occasion for balloons? No, balloons are perfect for almost any occasion. Here are 3 that you might not have thought of.

Fathers Day – Fathers act like they don’t want gifts for this special day, but believe me they do. They want to feel appreciated just like all the rest of us and balloons are the perfect way to show that appreciation. You can get a fathers day balloon in just about an shape. From a drill to a bear mug, you can fit the balloon to your dad’s personality.

Anniversaries – Lets say its your parents 50th wedding anniversary. You want to get them something special right? Well of course you do. Your a wonderful child. Why not spice up your gift with some balloons. Attach the balloons to your gift and it is sure to bring a smile to your parents face.

To say “I Love You” – When you love someone, you want to constantly let them know. Why not buy them a balloon that tells them just how much you love them? Not only will it bring a smile to their face, but it will make them feel nice and warm on the inside.

No matter what the occasion, balloons are the perfect gift. From birthdays, to weddings, to graduations, you just can’t go wrong with a balloon.

3 Reasons Balloons Are The Perfect Gift For Any Occasion

3 Reasons Balloons Are The Perfect Gift For Any Occasion

Balloons, Balloons, they are so great. They bring laughter and joy to any place. Wow, I just made that up, but its really true. Balloons are the perfect gift for any occasion. It doesn’t matter if its a birthday party or a going away party. This gift is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face. So here are the 3 reasons balloons are the perfect gift for any occasion.

They are inexpensive – You don’t have to worry about going over budget with this gift. For less than $30 you can get an array of balloons that are sure to make anyone feel special.

They come in different shapes and sizes – Another reason this is such a great gift is because it comes in a variety of different shapes and sizes. From beer mugs to flowers, you will have no problem catering this gift to the recipients personality.

They are fun – I mean come on. Balloons are just fun and exciting. Everyone loves to play with them. Young and old, male or female. A balloon is one of the best conversation pieces in the world. When someone see’s you walking around with a balloon that says “Happy Birthday”, they will stop just to say happy birthday. I can’t say it enough, but balloons are just the best gift ever.

So as you can see, when it comes to gift giving, you really can’t go wrong with this. Its affordable and fun. Its like the gift that keeps on giving. You can’t go wrong with that.


Celebrating a birthday or anniversary or maybe even a bar mitzvah? Well can you even imagine it without bunches of big brightly colored qualatex balloons? Not likely because they are so very demonstrative of happiness and joy, fitting well into any occasion or event. Let’s look at some of the possibilities for use of a favorite party decoration around the world.

Basically a balloon is just a flexible and inflatable bag

While a balloon is such a simple and very affordable bag that, when filled with a gas, will float away heavenward if not controlled by a piece of string. They may be made of latex, rubber, polychloroprene, or even nylon fabric. Some early balloons had been made from the dried bladder of animals such as pigs; most any material that won’t leak and can withstand the stretching involved with inflation. Once colors were introduced into the material they became an object that drew attention and favor, especially from children who could play with them and blow them up by mouth if no compressed gas were available to inflate them.

As the possibilities for their use became more available their popularity grew worldwide.

Lofty weather stations help keeps us safe

Among the many uses for balloons beyond the happiness they bring at parties are as weather balloons. They are in use around the globe and help predict inclement weather because they can float up there where weather is happening. When a storm is in the making, a well-placed weather balloon with equipment to determine barometric pressure, wind speed, and velocity as well as temperature changes will transmit that data down to a weather station back on earth and report any events before they happen. During World War I the military found balloons especially useful to bomb targeted sites send messages and even spy on the enemy. Today the lofty flying ball is as popular as ever for military use and observation from aloft.

Hot air balloon races are universally popular

If you have ever noticed a hot air balloon floating above you have witnessed an extremely popular sport that never seems to lose its appeal. Large colorful balloons are inflated, generally by hot air entering the bottom from a gas powered heater that sits in the wicker basket (also called a gondola). There is room in that gondola for two to four people and then the fun begins. Hot air balloons are subject to the whims of air currents above and generally a person only controls the ascent and decent of the balloon. As the air is warmed the balloon floats upward and when they wish to lower it someone simply lets a small amount of air out of the bag by turning off the heater. It is the oldest form of flight technology and these huge balloons are known as balloon aircraft. First flown untethered in Paris, France back in 1783, they introduced a new way to transport people, a few at a time, wherever the wind chose to blow them.

Ever popular balloons insure happy faces!

Whether it’s for a small child’s birthday party in China or a celebration of someone’s new job in Paris there will always be a need for those brightly colored orbs that float above the party scene and demonstrate how much fun it is to celebrate any occasion!