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What does it mean when your cat will not allow you to touch his back paws?
He/she probably does not want you touching his paws and they maybe hurt…

Whats does it mean when a cat has puss and sores on their back paws?
Puss is a reaction to an infection. If your cat has sores on its back paws that are leaking puss, your cat needs to be seen by a veterinarian.

What is it called when a cat has back paws that look like front paws and grip with them?
What…? Even I don’t understand that. It is a dwarf kitten, its back paws have a joint and knuckles like the front paws have. It can grip my finger with his back paws, less confusing?

How many paws does a bear have?
Four. Two front paws and two back paws.

How many toes do cats have on their back paws?
Cats have 4 toes on each of their back paws.

How many paws on a dog?
A dog has four paws. 5 toes on the front paws (including the dew claw) and 4 toes on the back paws. Some dogs have dew claws on the back feet also.

What is a way to finish the sentence her paws turned to?
hands. then. back. to. paws.

Dog could not stand on her back legs?
yes a fog can but not lick a human. they can only stand on there back legs for a small period of time. but the dog has to be trained to do stand or the can jump up and put there front paws on some thing and stand. as long as what they put there paws on is not able to move esaly.

What does it mean when a dog has big paws?
a puppies’ paws usually represents how big your puupy will be. big paws, big dog.

When a werewolf has jumbo paws wot does that mean?
it means it has really big paws.

How can you tell if your cat is in heat?
When your cat is in heat she keeps bouncing her back paws like she’s walking only with her back paws.

How many nails does a guinea pig have?
18. 10 on the back paws, and 8 on the front paws.

What does it mean if there is inflammation and swelling near the front and back paws of a pit bull?
Swelling could indicate an injury. See your vet.

Who has four front paws and three back paws?
uhh…some kind of animal that is freakishly deformed?

Do the cheetah’s paws help them run fast?
Of course they do, paws are their version of human feet, without them we wouldn’t be able to walk like we normally do.

Why do guinea pigs have four toes on the front and three toes on the back?
Yes, guinea pigs have 4 toes on their front paws and 3 toes on their back paws.

What do a raccoon’s paws look like?
Raccoon paws look similar to a human hand but there is no opposable thumb. I have placed an image on this page of a raccoon’s paw.

What does PAWS mean?
a animals foot that has nails

How many claws are on a rabbits foot?
That depends on whether we are talking about the front paws or the back paws. Each front limb has five toes, with a claw on each, so five claws. Each of the back paws has four toes, and so four claws.

How many claws does the lion have?
Lions have five toes on the front paws and four on the back paws. In between each toe is a claw. The “thumb”, though, has a dew claw which is more curved and often is off the ground. (Even domesticated house cats have a dew claw on each “thumb” on their front paws.) The back paws do not have dew claws.

How do cats move?
Cats have been made to have four arm and legs, so cats move with there front to paws and the back paws.

How many bones are in a cats paw?
There are about 27 bones in a cat’s paw, and they have 5 toes on the front paws, and 4 on the back paws.

What does it mean reservable with prefix on furry-paws?
It means it’s reserved, but with the prefix of your kennel on front of the dog’s name.

Can cats grab your leg like a human can?
no, I am sure a cat can not grad your leg like a human, but they can grab your leg with both of there paws.

Why do some dogs clean their paws so much?
If they are “cleaning” their paws a lot it could very well mean they are stressed or anxious. Watch closely though, i thought my dog was just licking his paws when he was stressed, but it turns our he was chewing the pads on his paws and they were all pink :(

What does it mean when a cat stretches its paws?
Usually it means it is tired.

What does statant mean?
Standing on four paws, as a lion would.

How does a cat pounce?
It lies on its belly pushing back on its hind legs creating a large amount of resistance. When it wants to pounce it releases its front paws and the springs with its back legs whilst lifting its front paws.

Why do dogs scratch their face with their paws?
Dogs will scratch their faces for several reasons, its just like a human, you scratch your face sometimes too, right? Their paws are their hands and if something itches, your gonna scratch it. Dogs will scratch their faces for several reasons, its just like a human, you scratch your face sometimes too, right? Their paws are their hands and if something itches, your gonna scratch it.

How does the normal position of a human foot differ from that of the cat?
Humans walk using their heel and the ball of their foot. Some people walk heel to toe while others walk on the ball of their foot. Cats walk on their toes. In terms of the position of the foot while resting, the human foot is typically level with the ground. Cats sit with their back paws level to the ground but only the toes of their front paws touch the ground when they are sitting.

Why are a snow leopards front paws bigger than its back ones?
Since Snow Leopards’ run front feet first, they need to have bigger paws in the front so when they land on the front paws they don’t flip frontwards

What is a hemmingway cat?
it is a cat with extra toes. For example: if front paws have 6 or more toes, or if back paws have 5 or more toes it is concidered a hemmingway

How do ocelots move?
ocelots move by there 2 back and 2 front paws. Their paws are very powerful and strong to make them leap jump climb and run

Finger rat have?
Get better grammar. They have 4 fingers on the front hands/ paws. Their thumb is a small stubby nail. They have 5 toes on the back feet / paws.

How many fingers do gerbils have?
5 toes on the each of the front paws and 4 toes on the each of the back paws. Add them up and you get 18 toes total.

How did boxer get its name?
The Boxer gets its name because when the Boxer is in a fight it stands on its back legs just like a human and then it looks like it punches with its front paws and it looks just like a real boxer.

What does the dog anatomy have that a human anatomy does not?
Whiskers, fur, paws and a tail. 4 legs, no arms :-)

What does it mean when your dog has cold paws?
your dog has one day to live

When your dog has warm paws what does it mean?
It means he is healthy and has good circulation.

How many toes of cats is there?
There are 4 toes on the back paws and 5 on the front

What all can a boxer dog do with their paws?
Put some gloves on him and step back.

What can a dog do but a wolf can not do?
As far as I know wolves can do everything a dog can. (sorry lol) I guess having four toes on their back paws are something. Wolves have five toes on their back paws. Dogs only have four. (not including the dew claw).

Do hedgehogs burrow?
Yes, they do burrow. They have 5 toes on their front paws with short nails and 반려동물 등록 their back paws only have 4 toes with really long nails. This helps them burrow.

What tigers have four toes and a palm?
All of them. All tigers have four toes on their back paws, and five toes on their front paws. Just like normal domestic cats.

How many nails should a dog have?
Typically, a dog has five toes on each of its front paws, and four on each of its rear paws. Each of a dog’s toes is clawed. This gives dogs eighteen ‘nails’. Some dogs have dew claws on its back feet also, which would mean the dog will have twenty claws or ‘nails’.

When A Werewolf has Jumbo Paws What Does That Mean?
Why would you want to know about a werewolf anyway?

When a dog chews its paws what does that mean?
it means that your dog is pregnant 6 months

What causes small whiteheads on my stomach and back?
sweat opening paws letting bacteria get in

How many toes on a cat’s paw?
They have five toes on the front and four on the back paws

What does it mean when a donkey paws the ground?
When a donkey paws the ground it can represent that the donkey is annoyed or agitated. While donkeys are generally docile, take care if one exhibits this behavior.

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