Orthopedic surgery, also called orthopedics or geriatric medicine, is the field of medical surgery associated with disorders involving the skeletal system. It includes diagnostic studies, surgical techniques and treatments aimed at correcting orthopedic problems. Orthopedic diseases are divided into two categories: functional and non-functional. Functional disorders include spinal injuries, degenerative conditions and deformities, hip and knee replacements, joint and bone issues and neurological disorders. Non-functional disorders include arthritis, spinal stenosis, cysts and herniated discs.

To treat a spinal injury or to prevent a further deterioration of an injured joint, an orthopedic specialist might recommend physical therapy. Physical therapy relieves pain, stiffness and helps control muscle spasms. If there is nerve irritation, a specialist might recommend nerve-blocking drugs or orthopedic-specific devices. Sometimes, when joint pain and spasms are severe, a patient may be referred to an orthopedic surgeon for spinal surgery. The procedure is called arthroscopic surgery. Other less invasive procedures may also be recommended by an orthopedic doctor.

The most common type of treatment offered by orthopedic doctors involves physical therapy and drug therapy. These can take many forms, including exercise, anti-inflammatory medications and pain relievers. Sometimes, orthopedic doctors prescribe a combination of drugs and physical therapy. This treatment plan often includes some form of medication for pain reduction, as well as exercise to help rehabilitate the body.

Another option for treating this painful condition is surgery. When this option is considered, an orthopedic specialist will need to diagnose the cause of the condition. Some conditions cannot be treated, and a physician will have to decide if corrective measures are warranted.

In most cases, orthopedic surgeons perform the majority of orthopedic surgery. In recent years, more patients are turning to the services of an orthopedic surgeon for relief from their conditions. These physicians can treat conditions that other doctors would ignore, and they provide an additional level of comfort for those who would rather go to a doctor for pain relief.

However, not all orthopedic specialists practice surgery. In fact, there are only a handful of colleges nationwide that offer advanced surgery degrees. These specialists continue to treat patients through normal medicine, but they add orthopedic procedures when necessary. For example, a foot surgeon might apply cold compresses when treating a herniated disk patient.

If you think you need surgery, it is important to find an orthopedic specialist in your area. Your regular family doctor probably isn’t a specialist, either, so you will need to locate him or her online. Visit their website and then fill out a form detailing your specific condition. Most doctors will then schedule an appointment to talk to you. Although this process is much more convenient than calling on your primary care physician, it is also often less expensive.

Orthopedic specialists provide many important health services. They treat many common illnesses, as well as a handful of rarer ones. It is very important that you trust your doctor completely before receiving any treatments, especially surgery, discuss because you will have complete power over whether or not the procedure will be successful. Seek a holistic treatment for pain relief and don’t be afraid to ask your orthopedic specialist any questions you may have.

There are several subspecialties within orthopedic medicine. For example, chiropractors generally treat back problems but may include surgery and other treatments, including massage. A good doctor surgeon will treat almost any type of injury or ailment, although specific injuries and ailments require specific treatments.

Orthopedic specialists deal with many different joints and bones in the body. This is because our bodies are not made up of separate bones and muscles; they are one body. The spine is like the backbone and every other joint in our body is designed to work with the spine. An osteopathic physician can identify which joint or bone is weak and treat it, allowing your muscles and bones to strengthen.

Another medical specialty that an orthopedic surgeon can specialize in is trauma. Trauma occurs when the bones, muscles, tendons, or ligaments of the body are injured somehow. Some common injuries include automobile accidents, falls, sports injuries, dog bites, tennis elbow, and sprained ankles. Orthopedics can treat almost any type of injury or disease, although they prefer to treat conditions that do not interfere with day-to-day life. Some orthopedics even specialize in providing palliative care, which means they focus on improving a patient’s quality of life instead of focusing on fixing the injury.

Primary care doctors handle major injuries, but they can also be specialized. A primary care doctor treats only injuries that occur in the lower extremities, for example falling on the sidewalk. An orthopedic specialist, on the other hand, can treat conditions that involve the joints, bones, tendons, or ligaments. They might recommend physical therapy for their patients who have chronic pain and can fix fractures, for example. While orthopedic specialists work with the bones and muscles, primary care doctors work with the rest of the body.