14. Quality. If your product and/or services aren’t top quality, then you won’t get repeat business. Your long-term success depends on satisfied customers who spread the word about your business and purchase from you repeatedly.

It’s time to get familiar with employment law. You don’t need be an expert by any means, but you should know the basics. This is true of even those businesses that are a one man show; even if you don’t plan to have any employees, you need to know the bare minimum when it comes to employment law. You may not understand this right now as you’re reading this, but trust us-when you find yourself in hot water for not knowing the difference between a contractor and an employee, you’ll think back to this bit of information and wish you’d taken our word for it.

She found a manufacturer of quality equipment for older people that improves the quality of their lives. They also manufacture and sell high quality prostheses. She struck a deal with them, learned how to build a simple web site and learned the ways of the web. Now, she is earning in the low six figures. People come to her site, see what they want and order directly from the manufacturer. They ship, collect the money and handle all customer issues. It’s all on autopilot. This is affiliate marketing. Want free small business marketing ideas? There is an excellent example of the small business ideas you are looking for explained in two paragraphs.

Selling a small business is a process every entrepreneur wants to experience but unfortunately, only few will build a business that will worth selling. There are several reasons why you would want to consider selling your small business either now or in the future but I won’t go into the details here. I have already written an in-depth article highlighting why entrepreneurs sell their small businesses.

It may be expensive to use a company for the work however, even though the results could be pretty good. Think carefully if you intend to do things this way.

Let’s look at one of those ideas. How would a video sales page impact your business? People are visual in nature, due in part to having grown up with television and movies. We are far more receptive to seeing and hearing things.

That part is totally up to you. However you will want to be sure that the content is decent and something that your readers will want to read. This will keep them coming back. Make sure that the content is written from special keywords that you choose. You will also want to become familiar with SEO which is Search Engine Optimization. SEO will help you to optimize your blog to get a better ranking with the search engines.

Today people use the internet in a variety of ways. We can now view online video content on iPad’s, blackberry phones, iPhones, Android phones, tablet computers, etc. Not only that, but Wi-Fi connections are increasingly popular, allowing us to access content in public places.

If you have all of these or are an experienced business operator, then you will be able to run your business on your own just fine. But many people do not have these necessary skills that they need in order to make their business run. Sometimes, this comes out in tougher times for a business. And this is where business classes come in.

So, let’s say you existing sales is $850,000 annually, your fixed expenses are $275,000, variable expenses is $55,000 or 6.5% of the $850,000, material cost is $236,000 or 27.8%, labor cost is $109,000 or 12.8%, and your existing profit margin is $175,000 or 20.6%.