Teeth whitening or teeth bleaching is basically the procedure of whitening the shade of the white color of your teeth. Teeth whitening is most often desired when teeth get yellowed over time due to various reasons, and is also possible by enhancing the whitish pigmentation of the teeth by chemically modifying the intrinsic or extrinsically colored portion of the tooth’s surface. A lot of cosmetic dentists nowadays offer teeth whitening services in Toronto, like braces, veneers, teeth bleaching, bonding, etc. There are also home remedies which are believed to have whitening effect as well. These remedies may involve bleaching toothpaste or hydrogen peroxide, as well as various homemade remedies that are easy to make at home.

The first step in the whitening process is by cleaning your teeth thoroughly with fluoride toothpaste, including removing any particles present with a dental floss or with a soft cloth. The next step is to apply a gel to your gums. Some whitening gels contain gels that are applied on the teeth, while others are applied directly on the gums. Either way, the gels and the bleaches do not leave much residue after being applied, thus making them easy to use.

A whitening toothpaste can last for up to 6 months, though it would usually take about a year for you to notice a difference in the shade of your tooth enamel once using these products. If you wish to achieve a brighter smile right away without waiting for months, then consider whitening your teeth immediately after eating foods rich in protein, like fish and chicken breast. Protein in these foods helps in brightening your teeth in a short amount of time. Other home-based remedies for whiter teeth are lemon juice, strawberries, carrots, watermelon, spinach and many more.

For those who have sensitive teeth and are scared of having a lot of red spots and irritation while using an in-office whitening kit, then consider having a dentist perform the procedure on your behalf. Sensitive teeth are easily irritated when dental procedures are carried out on them, which is why it is important to get dental advice from your dentist. In most cases, the sensitivity is caused by an inactive layer of enamel around the outermost portion of your tooth known as the exposed root. Your dentist will recommend a suitable toothpaste or a specific bleaching agent that can work effectively on this layer, so you can avoid irritation and possible tooth sensitivity. This can also help if you have recently had a dental procedure, as it can help get rid of the sensitivity.

You can try some over-the-counter solutions that you can purchase from a drugstore or pharmacy. These whiteners may give you the same results as the dentist, but there are still chances of having sensitivity issues. You can also ask your dentist for an advice on which type of whitener would suit you best; peroxide-based whiteners or hydrogen peroxide-based whiteners are some of the popular choices. While these are generally known to be safe, they can still have some side effects such as sensitivity. You can avoid this problem by opting for a whitener with a milder concentration.

If you do not want whitening procedures to be carried out in your dental office, then you can choose from a variety of at home teeth whitening options. These products include gels, whitening strips and pastes. Whitening gels generally contain carbamide peroxide, whereas whitening strips are made of plastic, which can be applied using a swab. There are also home kits that contain baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, which are used in combination to whiten the teeth quickly and effectively. These home products have to be applied every morning and night to the teeth white to maximize the effect. If you prefer to use an at home product, you should ensure that it is safe to use and follow the directions properly.

It is always recommended that you seek the advice of your dentist before taking any dietary or lifestyle changes because they can sometimes have a negative impact on your teeth. Your dentist can advise you about any other changes in your lifestyle that you might be able to make so that you maintain a good dental health. When you visit a dentist for teeth whitening procedures, you will be given thorough instructions about how to use the bleach products and if any precautions have to be taken. Make sure that you read the labels very carefully because if you do not adhere to the directions, you can damage your teeth permanently.

Teeth whitening trays are very convenient and easy to apply to your teeth and you can easily carry them with you wherever you go. However, if you have sensitive teeth, it is best to avoid the use of any tray as your dentist will have a better idea about the kind of ingredients used in the toothpaste that you choose to use or the teeth whitening bleach products that you choose. Another important thing to consider is that using regular trays can result in premature ageing of the teeth and wearing off of the protective layer on the surface of the teeth. Therefore, it is important to only use trays for two weeks at a time.