Merck agreed to pay a lump sum of $4.3 million, according to a Merck securities filing, to be divided among plaintiffs who settled.

Merck & Co, the pharmaceutical company that created finasteride, has long denied any link between its medicine and serious long-term side effects – despite having paid out millions of dollars in the US to patients who claim to have been damaged by taking it.

It’s thought to work by ‘tricking’ the body into thinking there is a shortage of oxygen in the affected area, so that the brain sends out an instruction for oxygen-rich blood to be increased so damage can be repaired.

My consultant recommended transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), where they cut away overgrown prostate tissue.
But the risks included erectile dysfunction. Diabetic woman, 27, has her leg amputated after an ingrown…

I didn’t want the physical side of my relationship with my wife Susan to end.

Insurers and banking stocks underperformed, with Sompo Holdings falling 1.7 percent, MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings dropping 1.5 percent, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group shedding 1.5 percent, Mizuho Financial Group declining 1.4 percent and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group stumbling 2.1 percent.

BUDAPEST, July 26 (Reuters) – The National Bank of Hungary left its base rate on hold at 0.9 percent NBHI on Tuesday, in line with expectations, with its focus now geared towards squeezing funds out of its main liquidity instrument to loosen monetary conditions further.

Central European currencies traded near multi-week highs on Friday, supported by generally gloomy western European business sentiment data that fuelled expectations of more European Central Bank stimulus.

The legal risk clean-up would follow a scheme the Treasury used to rid MPS of most of its impaired loans with the help of state-owned bad loan manager AMCO.

Thyroid cancer sufferer, 29, reveals she was made to feel… Q My husband has always had lovely hair but it has started thinning and receding.
I can tell he is self-conscious about it. Mother is desperate for liposuction to remove the sagging…

I couldn’t bear the thought.

And if not, how do we come to terms with it as a couple?

He had the transplant (in particular the follicular unit extraction technique) at Crown Clinic in Manchester with surgeon Asim Shahmalak – whose clients include Calum Best and the TV doctor Christian Jessen.

In exchange, plaintiffs agreed to drop their claims against the company and not to discuss any confidential court documents, including any that were “inadvertently” filed in public and later placed under seal, according to a copy of one of the settlement agreements reviewed by Reuters.

That transaction, which is due to complete by Dec.
1, requires 1.1 billion euros in MPS’ equity.

The cost of insuring exposure to debt from some Eastern European countries rose to multi-week highs on Tuesday after two polls in Britain showed support for the “Leave” campaign gaining momentum before the June 23 EU membership vote.

Foundations set up by the National Bank of Hungary plan to shift a large part of their funds from local government debt into commercial real estate assets, the head of the firm managing the assets has been quoted as saying.

Another study by Northwestern University found it causes erectile issues” class=”blkBorder img-share” style=”max-width:100%” /> Finasteride, a widely-used drug that reduces prostate glands and stimulates hair growth, increased risk of depression by 94 percent in the first 18 months, a study by Western University found.

Is there a way he can grow it back?

Vaping death toll in the US hits EIGHT as man in his…
