7) Know what is good content: Content is not word counts, nor is it keyword stuffing, rather it is what is said to a person who reads your work. This is a simple way to make money online, the more you focus on improving your work the more likely people will find a way to click on an ad– increasing your earnings for your business.

Create a local keyword footer at the very bottom of every page. This should look something like Italian Restaurant Beverly Hills ; Italian Restaurant Los Angeles ; Pizza Beverly Hills ; Pizza Los Angeles ; wine tasting Beverly Hills ; wine tasting Los Angeles ; You have 50 words (250 characters) for this footer. Don’t hesitate to include five suburbs in this area or 10 keywords with one or two suburbs.

What should you write about? Write things that your audience will find valuable and optimize that content. Content optimization is optimizing for your audience. Your audience consists of people and search engines. Search engine optimization can be a great way to reach more of your target demographic so write in a way that your audience will relate to and in a way that helps you get noticed for your target through organic optimization. Blogs, articles (especially syndicated directory articles), press releases, reports, and other written material can all help you continually build your online presence through content that could convert readers into customers.

You would be shocked at how many small businesses still don’t have a website that accurately portrays their product or service. Focus on making sure that the content on the website fully supports your brand and your marketing message. Marketing a small business starts with your website as one of your focal points.

Planning is not as simple as the word may suggest though. There are numerous areas of small business that require planning, evaluation and research before any ball starts rolling. Small business owners must plan to succeed or plan to fail.

Remember, though it may be tempting to use another person’s content, the best thing for you to do is create original content that will not go against any previously written work. While it is all right to use other people’s content creations as inspiration for your own, it is best to allow your own thoughts out on the topic. This will also help to give you a voice of your very own while content writing.

Have an Objective to work towards. Any journey begins with a destination in mind, otherwise you are not going anywhere. So plot out goals you think you can reasonably accomplish over a set period of time. The goal might be to expand your customer base to include young women, or some other particular demographic. Or many be you just want more visibility online for a specific local location.

From day one you should set aside time on a regular basis for strategic planning. I recommend having a formal planning session. I might be biased, but if you hold at least quarterly preferably monthly board meetings you are forced to do strategic planning. By holding regular board meetings growing a small business will happen. You also gain the advantage of looking critically at your business on a regular basis. Which bring us to the following question.

We don’t have too many real kings left in the world, but when it comes to website design and operation “content is king” has been the slogan for many years. Some have tried to downplay the importance of content, but as Google algorithms change in favor of strong content that is reader-friendly, things always swing back around to the high importance of content.

content should always be grammatically correct with least mistakes. It just disturbs the user if he reads a badly written content. content should be clear and concise. You do not want to confuse your readers do you?

If you don’t have good informative and readable content then the visitors you attract to your blog aren’t going to stay around very long. And the longer you can keep visitors at your site, the more likely they are to click on one of your affiliate links, or AdSense ads. Not only will they stay around longer, but if they enjoy reading your content then they will come back for more. The next question is, how do you go about getting good content?

SEO information has the ability to give an article the perfect amount of information. In having the right amount, this gives the reader the knowledge of the topic they have searched for. When the reader comes across these articles it should entice them to read the whole article. Keeping the formatting to short simple paragraphs will help it flow and keep it from getting boring. After reading the content people should walk away better informed about the subject.

Google now shows video as part of their search results. Someone can type in say ‘cars’ and text web pages as well as YouTube videos will be returned. Why don’t you get your own videos in the search results and see how this can benefit your sales.

Choose to write about things or information about which you are well aware. Fast across the message, and present the information in quality manner as someone is spending his quality time reading your site. If you try to cover a large topic in an unconvincing way, people will probably move on leaving your site reading unfinished.

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